medical and travel cancellation insurance apply for tourists, normally, the cost in the event of problems. The Corona-times is, if one breaks, for example, in spite of the travel warning?

Hamburg (dpa/tmn) – The Foreign office lifts its travel warnings for many European countries and are being replaced by travel advice with recommendations. For around 160 other countries, including many popular travel destinations, has been extended to the travel warning, however, until the end of August. Traveling in these countries is not prohibited by the warning, but with additional risks associated with it, for example, in the case of travel insurance. What you should know tourists do this?

the cost of treatment abroad:

Consists of at the start of the trip a travel warning for the country concerned, the tariffs of foreign countries connect health insurance in General, a transfer of treatment costs, says the Federal government Insured (BdV). There is no travel warning, as is now the case in many European countries, it is worth a look in the relevant contract. Be excluded therein, pandemics, then no insurance was protection in the event of a Covid-19-disease.

After all: often, a “medically necessary return transport be assured” in the home, the BdV. If you have signed a better rate, can also be a not necessary, but at least “medically sensible return transport” is secured. The information, according to an international health insurance also covers the cost for a corona test, if the authorities or the Doctors arrange it.

It may be worthwhile for legally Insured, under certain circumstances, when the health insurance company to ask. This can take the cost of treatment abroad: The Confederation of the Insured speaks of that, where applicable, a part of services in other EU countries could be paid.

trip cancellation in case of re-growing land:

In the event that in the chosen holiday country up to the beginning of the trip, the number of Corona cases strong should rise, without that, there’s a new travel warning, the Insured person and bad cards in the case of a voluntary cancellation of the trip. Because the trip cancellation insurance pays the cancellation fees only if the Insured person is unexpectedly ill, or by events such as the death of Relatives, unemployment or short-time working is prevented, says the consumer Hamburg.

None of the available on the market, cancellation rates, will information the Federal government of the Insured, however, cancellation costs, if vacationers cancel purely out of fear of a travel contract.

return travel costs with new travel warning:

For some countries, is now lifted the travel warning though. It should come in the next time but that these warnings be re-pronounced, so the journey does not protect insurance. Travel warnings are not insured, so the Federal government of the Insured. This also applies if you must cancel a trip, without that, for example, a health impairment of the traveler, which justified his return.

the international health insurance for travelers is not, if you want to for a new travel warning in advance back home. Exceptions apply only if the return journey is in connection with the own disease.

Covenant of the Insured to the health insurance abroad

waistband of the Insured’s trip cancellation insurance