“Who has an idea, in the long term, fight for it,” says Ismet Koyun. “At the end, you will drive the Porsche.” Koyun earned his money with security software. He has orders for 50 to 100 million euros in the year. But money got him interested in never. “I invest everything in the ideas I have here.” Koyun has 100 employees. He came from Turkey. The prejudices remained. If he is told that he was an entrepreneur, think of the people in a kebab shop or Import-Export, he says. Self-made millionaire Koyun is among the ten percent of the German population, where more than half of the total German assets.

Screenshot: “ZDFzeit: poor Germany, Kingdom of Germany” is The smallest part of the population, the upper class has the most money Screenshot: “ZDFzeit: poor Germany, Kingdom of Germany” Ismet Koyun has as a Migrant with an IT company in Germany, made a name for

rich and Poor

ZDFzeit the question, who in Germany is poor and who is rich and whether the gap by the Corona-Lockdown more open. This is not particularly original, but still well done. The transmitter has collected all sorts of Figures: The top ten percent of the population own 66 per cent of the total German assets. A third of this wealth is not produced, but inherited. Every second German says, according to a survey, it will go to the children of their own economic rather worse than a self. Conclusion: the Poor and the rich are increasingly diverging.

Complicated installments

Screenshot: “ZDFzeit: poor Germany, Kingdom of Germany” Pohl family has due to the Corona to fight pandemic with the financial Situation

Pohl family from Berlin to 4400 euros net to life. Anke and Carsten have five children. You have opted for an asset-building by means of your own property. 1200 Euro you need to lie down for the home loan in the month. After 34 years, the little house belongs to you. “It’s nice to have a home of his own,” says Carsten Pohl. Since the Corona is hot for him, short-time work. The installment payments are unlikely to lift to. The family will need to their savings. In the case of a taxi driver, Said Kazemi, it looks even bleaker. The Cologne-based taxi operators, passengers missing since Corona. “Day after day I’m more in the Minus,” he explains. Service providers are affected by the Lockdown especially. There is no home office. Experts estimate that, according to Corona, especially the middle wealth melting. Even the 40 percent of the middle class, which have net assets of at least 71.000 Euro, to be in your life rich.

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– owned, but never Cash

Corona is effective for the unequal distribution of wealth as a burning glass: trends become more visible and intensify at the same time. Because while middle class and lower class family to consume their reserves, have rich families invested their money in property or shares. Here the assets to set values after the crisis, again automatically. The crisis is easy to eat. Marcus Graf von Oeynhausen-Sierstorpff sitting on a Golf cart and chugged about his country. Over the generations, it has brought the family to a Golf course, a luxury hotel and four health clinics. Annual turnover: 100 million euros. With the Lockdown, there were no guests. He says: “One has possession, but never Cash”. He was now a need to “bring money from the outside”. But if the business is up and running again, offset the book losses again soon. The assets of crisis, is relatively safe.

Screenshot: “ZDFzeit: poor Germany, Kingdom of Germany” Marcus Graf von Oeynhausen-Sierstorpff sitting on a Golf cart and his country

assessed No Chance of assets

Sabrina Beinsen can only dream about. She is a single parent with a daughter, Zoé. Alone, like her, could not form reserves, the rapid descent is imminent. She is currently looking for a Job, because they “don’t want to lie to the state on the bag”. But actually, this is for your assets really matter. The woman from Hagen is one of those 16 per cent of the population, the at risk of poverty – and it will stay with the Job. Half of the German owns only assets are a percent of the German total. Sabrina Beinsen has no Chance of a few values. But all the same – so the somewhat cynical conclusion of the documentary are government transfer payments such as Hartz IV – in times of crisis. The money from the office in Corona times.

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