Corona sucks, but the Chance to discover a virtue of necessity. Regional products are the focus, the Restaurants have had to close – the hour of the Green market should be reflected in wooden churches. In fact, some Fieranten report increased demand. However, the effect could quickly fizzle out.

wooden churches – As at the end of March the crisis began, won the kitchen suddenly important. Restaurants and bars are not closed, they were shunned by the Public – but the Green market in wooden churches, which takes place on two mornings, on Wednesdays and Saturdays on the market square. “The business runs better than ever,” says Elias Chrysopoulos from the wood Kirchner fruit house Bichlmeier, which sells for over 25 years, fruit and vegetables on the market. “We sell a lot more than before, for us, every market day like Christmas.”

“people have to us delivery fast

overrun” of the business in the first weeks of the crisis unusually well, can confirm Marinus eberharter. The farmer from Marshall offers sausage and meat, frying chicken for the acutely Hungry. “So from the end of March, the people have almost overrun,” says Eberharter, “there was enormous.”

It was time that the population understand how the value of regional products and Economic circuits. “Hopefully, people will realize that not only medicines and medical technology, but also food come from the Region and the country.” In the meantime, he noticed that the demand is on the decline again. “Let’s see how long the effect lasts.”

the customers are disciplined in the queue

Astrid and Bernhard bright water, the grow in Otterfing organic vegetables, have noticed at the sales, no “Corona effects”. You even suspect that rather less than more customers. “Some of the Queuing and the waiting, with the intervals tedious, and prefer to come to us in the Store,” said light water. Especially on Saturdays when the crowd is large, it is often difficult to say who is present in which is the queue in front of which Stand. “But the people are really disciplined, keep a distance and they all wear their mask.”

a Total of has been awarded the market town of 21 long-term sites, as well as six seasonal short-term courses, for example, for the “asparagus-Sepp”. For a Ten-Meter-booth at both market days, the town hall demands in the first half about 1400 Euro fee.

“we’re fine,” says Elias Chrysopoulos from the fruit house Bichlmeier, but think of other industries that are facing huge problems. “For the Restaurants, everything is a disaster.” Although you are now allowed to open on the inside, too, is questionable, if enough guests come. You have to specify its name – and who is risking a long quarantine, but if an Infected person on sat at the next table? “It would be bitter, if everything is broken.” Nevertheless, you could lose your sense of Humor never, he says, grabs a customer with two gigantic vegetables, onions, and smiles under his mask. “Others die to the Virus, we have to have many work.”