It’s going to be about 15 minutes, and the hunt for the thickest trout. Women must ausfischen in the future, at the climax of the Memminger fishing tags the city Bach? At the start of a civil process, the Parties in the district court of Memmingen in the Allgäu region, not some.

The applicant, a member of the hosting club, sees the exclusion of women from the city of Fischer group, by Statute, is an impermissible discrimination. The fisherman tags club relies on the preservation of traditions and the freedom of Association.

“No reason, I want to deny”

A judgment, the presiding judge Katharina Erdt on December 31. August, announce. But the dispute may not be over yet. Both parties have announced for the case of a defeat already, the next higher instance to call.

to have disturbed you since your youth, that women were not allowed to participate in the Ausfischen of the city, Bach said, the applicant on Monday: “There is no reason to honor me the Manager is.” Two Times she had, therefore, notified delegates meetings of the Association Amendments to the articles of Association, but failed in the votes significantly. Then she complained.

The women are only allowed to “Kübelmädle” be

it focuses solely on the Ausfischen of the city of Bach, the takes, according to the Association’s Chairman, Michael Ruppert usually about 15 minutes. Are allowed to participate according to Statute, not only men and boys from the age of six who live for at least five years in Memmingen and a fisherman’s examination of the Association store.

Who caught the heaviest fish, may be called a year of “Fisher king”. According to the fishermen’s tags Association is the highest honor in the life of a real Memminger man. The women, the role is reserved, as the “Kübelmädle” to guard on the edge of the water bucket for the fish caught. Criticism also comes from animal rights activists, see in the event an animal cruelty. Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa, A participant of the fisherman’s day 2019 jumps in the city of Bach.

“We are a family club,”

women will be denied an important part of the social life of the city and an opportunity to network, argues the Association “society for freedom rights”, based in Berlin, supports the applicant and is a principle to reach a judgment.

All of the other 35 sub-groups of the fishing tags Association, as the city guard or the theatre group of the fishing day, are open to women, argued the Chairman, Michael Ruppert. The applicant is itself, as a group, management at a historic festival, which held every four years, “the wall stone of the week”, is active. “We are a family club,” said Ruppert. Around 1500, the approximately 4500 members were women; this could contribute to the fishing day in ten out of eleven groups.

unification failed

With the Ausfischen of the town of Bach’s century preserved the old customs, said Ruppert. This remains reserved to men, is founded, from the history to the 16th century. Century rich. The fisherman tags club was founded in 1900 after a reorganization of the festival. The Ausfischen of the city of Bach, but had always been reserved for men, said Ruppert.

At the start of the trial, the attempt at an amicable settlement failed. “There are probably only black and white in this process,” said a lawyer of the Association. “If it’s worth it, hang on we are still in ten years to the subject,” replied the lawyer of the other side, Susann Bräcklein. And also judge Erdt not predicted: “I think that the place with me.” More News from the world of culture and entertainment

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