On the long Whitsun week-end in times of Corona, the people were largely reasonable and stormed the objectives of the trip.

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen – The expected Chaos failed to materialize: the magnets between the king of the village and munsing it was on the Whitsun week-end is largely relaxed. “There was very little going on,” sums up police main Commissioner Christian Fricke of the police inspection Wolfratshausen on demand from our newspaper.

Pentecost Sunday, 11.30 a.m., Bibisee: A Couple walking with a stroller along the shore. Two women, umwuselt of three small children, a fully-loaded carts from the Parking lot to the lawn. There, the visitors to four hands count.

+ Orderly conditions: Neither on Saturday nor on Sunday, there was a throng in the monastery of Beuerberg.©rs

Three hours later, at the Starnberger see a similar picture. Only a few cars in the Parking bays at the campsite in Ambach. The SUP-Station is orphaned. A couple of young boys playing soccer on the empty lawn of the recreation area spent on schwaibl Bach. On the way mountain bikers make their way through walkers with and without Walking sticks. In a couple of hearths, the charcoal from lunch is still glowing.

“Apparently they have to say before quenched but a lot of people,” commented Ingo Roeske, Chairman of the water rescue Wolfratshausen, the low number of visitors. In spite of the cool Wind and 16 degrees water temperature for bathing would be a pleasure. Occasionally glide Stand-up-paddlers in the shore over the water. “Many holidaymakers are already there, the campsite is full. But with a weather like today, many people in Munich don’t come out especially,“ said Roeske. “We are actually glad that not so much is going on.”

Also interesting: workout of the Wolfratshauser youth water rescue: The garden pool is to the movie Studio

Next week the situation could change, however. “It’s not supposed to be hot, so we expect that from Tuesday, Wednesday, a rush comes”, so the water rescue Chairman. That would see the volunteers engaged in during the week and their Occupations, in front of a problem: “how we can solve,” says Roeske.

Am Kloster Beuerberg white chalk to mark lines on the floor between the archway and the door which the distances have to comply with the visitor, if a people should form a queue. But to crush it, neither on Saturday, nor on Sunday. “It is unusual,” admits Dr. Christoph Kürzeder. The “cold start”, with the exhibition “has virtue to the rich” now, as reported started can get used to the Director of the diocesan Museum only slowly. Because of the Corona pandemic ceremony and guided tours to the opening had to be. “It is a somewhat melancholy mood,” admits Kürzeder. The visitors move freely in the cross-corridors and exhibition rooms, enjoy coffee and cake on the terrace in the monastery garden. Meanwhile, some of the children to Tinker in the “convent Studio” mouth-nose masks out of socks. “The people are very disciplined,” notes the curator and complemented with a slight sigh: “I am quite satisfied.” On the first two days of the exhibition, the monastery was one of around 250 visitors.

Also in the fairy forest in Wolfratshausen the visit to the snake stops at the ticket booth in the borders. “There were no crowds, everything was pretty relaxed,” says Franziska require SSL, visibly pleased with the children’s laughter and shouting, the echoes from the Park to the entrance across. Many visitors are still behavior. “People are careful. All bring a great deal of understanding for the Situation,“ reported the require SSL. All in all, it was “a very hesitant Start”, summarizes the visitor traffic on the first two days. “We were far below any limit.” Also on whit Monday they didn’t expect to have to Park in the meantime, because of Overcrowding close – although the crush was the same in the Morning comparatively large.

So the police patrols, which showed at the weekend increased presence and “a number of priorities are regularly monitored experienced” a relatively quiet time. “There was comparatively little excursion traffic, and also in terms of Corona, everything remained very much in the frame,” explains Alexander Huber, press spokesman of the police headquarters in upper Bavaria South. He suspects, what was the sometimes chaotic conditions, especially in the lakes in the South, two weeks earlier, for the reluctance of well-to-positive impact: “The weather was not so brutal bomb.”

Different on a Monday: Blue sky and summer temperatures, many of the trippers were attracted to the lake Starnberg. Sun worshippers and water rats enjoyed the weather with a distance on the lawn and far away from the feared Chaos.


also read: “It zua wia d Sau”: Camping is places open on the weekend phones no longer stand still