Alexander Pröschel is motivated and competent. For some months he supports the Team of the youth house in Karlsfeld. With lots of ideas

Karl field For a few months, Alexander Pröschel enriched as a new employee in the open youth work of the Karl fields of the youth house in jahnstrasse. With his empathic nature, he is both young people as well as his colleagues is very popular.

Alexander Pröschel was on 23. December 1991, born in Munich. In his youth, he has gone through a high school tutor program. The sense of community and the cohesion in the class were supported by various actions, such as reading nights or joint visits to the cinema. This Alexander Pröschel quickly realized that his skills in working with people and in the social area in General is good and he can pull a lot of joy and meaning for this field of work.

After school the youth worker moved for his studies in psychology to Berlin. There he attended the “International psychoanalytic University”. “During my studies I was able to expand my Knowledge of the essence of the people and should function significantly. This gives me the opportunity to social interactions to better assess and to make you more productive,“ says Pröschel.

experience he has collected in a tutoring program at a school, an internship in a practice for child and youth psychiatry and -psychotherapy, as well as an internship and subsequent Acquisition as a practice assistant in a ambulatory psychotherapeutic practice. His Hobbies are sports such as bike – Pröschel always travels to work by Bicycle – a-side football and Handball, as well as policy and technology. His Motivation to Work in the service of society, to accompany young people on their way to Adulthood and to teach them to respect each other and to support what is in the present time is an important issue.

In the cooperation are in particular two things are important: firstly, to recognise their own Strengths and weaknesses, and to make available to others, or to get help, and on the other, new ideas, perspective and approaches to become acquainted with the own match and to have a differentiated picture. “I want to help young people to be satisfied adults, and create a framework within which each young person feels safe and makes the experience that his feelings taken seriously and is an Open-valued and is treated with respect,” says the young psychologist.

For Charles fields young people, he has – as soon as possible, a number of sports such as football, Cycling, table tennis or billiard in front of tournaments, as well as political education. dn