It’s not uncommon for a fashion trend to divide opinion, including leopard print: some people love it, others…well, let’s just say they don’t like the look. What cannot be denied about the Animals Prints, however, is their persistence. After all, the classic Leo look can be found in many fashion collections every year. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always consistent. Our styling tips will tell you how and which long-running favorites you can expect in 2024.

Even though there are plenty of tight clothing such as miniskirts, blouses or leggings with leopard print, the cuts in 2024 are less sexy. Instead, many fashion collections rely on the popular oversized look – and don’t stop at animal prints. It’s not just wide cardigans with a leopard pattern that are particularly popular this year: bright colors are also must-haves. The eye-catching look can be easily combined with simple, black trousers so that the outfit doesn’t look too restless.

There is an important (fashion) rule for leopard prints: other prints are not allowed in combination. To ensure that the look appears harmonious, it is also recommended to combine the printed garment with other textiles that come from the same color family. Or you can combine your subtle Leo look with a single-colored piece of clothing – it always looks good and completes every outfit. If you don’t want to do without accessories, the motto here is: less is more.

Wearing pants, skirts or dresses with leopard print is no longer a fashion statement, but old hat. Give your outfit a little more sophistication by using trendy it-pieces that will also be trendy in 2024: In addition to figure-hugging swimwear, which rules the roost in summer, bum bags and tube scarves, rain ponchos and bomber jackets in a leopard look are among the must-haves. haves. The trendy accessories can be combined particularly well with plain-colored clothing.

A simple outfit can easily be visually spiced up if you use accessories with a leopard print that give your look that certain something: starting with a hair tie, which only adds a small accent, to a shoulder bag with animal prints, which gives every styling more wildness , to subtle earrings that flatter your face – these days there’s nothing that isn’t available. Even ear warmers, headbands and belts are available with leopard prints.

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