In the summer, life feels easier, The sun shines, children play happily outside and we can cool off in the lake. Even if it is raining, it is somehow more beautiful than other times of the year. This may, however, also be due to the special fragrance of summer rain on dry ground exudes. Although water has no smell actually, there is this unmistakable scent of a summer rain and even a name of its own: Petri choir.

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This poetic Name is made up of two Greek words: Petra stands for stone, and Ichor referred to in Greek mythology, a liquid that flows in the veins of the gods. So mystical, the composition of the rain scent is not: It is simply a Combination of chemical substances. Not the rain, but a mixture of ingredients from plants, bacteria and the soil smells.

Intentsiv earthy

Everywhere in the soil bacterial life. In the heat and prolonged dry phases you back to your metabolism. If rain is announced, and the humidity rises, the metabolism of the bacteria re-booted, but the fragrance Geosmin.

This alcohol is for the intense earthy smell, you know some of the Red beds. Partly responsible for Peter’s choir an oily Film from the various essential Oils that makes for long-lasting dryness on the leaves of plants is also. When it rains, kicked up the scent substance is Geosmin, the essential Oils and add a pinch of stone-dust: The mixture we perceive as the typical rain scent.

the summer rain smells of drought even more intense

researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit) in the USA found out with slow-motion shots, that the impact of the rain drops on the soil bubbles, apparently, in the small pools of water created. In these bubbles, the micro-particles from the soil that contain the Aroma of the ground to collect. When the bubbles burst, the smell of this free of particles and is blown out of the air. The drier the soil is rain, the intense smells of the summer, because the dry soil particles dissolve.

Who has a keen nose, can smell the rain before it falls – this has nothing to do with psychic psychics abilities. One reason for this is that the Wind spreads the scent from an area, where it already rains. On the other hand, the increased humidity makes just before the rain, that the earth with tiny amounts of water to come into contact and small smell bubbles to rise. Petri chorus so before it rains.

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