How is the weather in summer in Germany? First, long-term forecasts look ahead to the months of June, July and August. There could be extreme weather!

The weather* to play in may crazy. Instead of the merry month of may, experts expect even snow is* . Because of the falls on the ice saints could beat the weather for the whole year, capers.

Update 21. May 2020:

Around two weeks before the meteorological start of summer

-meteorologist Corinna Borau a first look in the direction of summer weather 2020.

“is, of Course, yet set anything in stone. But currently, the calculations of the long-term models suggest that the Central European summer this year, too warm and too dry.“ Following evidence could include: “So, we are since the beginning of the year in terms of global mean temperature with an increase of 1.15 degrees. In addition, the UK weather service the Met Office predicts that the deviation could be on the year as a whole at 1.1 degrees.“ So we not only had the second warmest start of the year, but were this year, according to Borau – after 2016 to place two of the warmest years ever. The difference to the record of the year 2016 of:

“A strong El Niño, a warm surface temperature of the Pacific ocean as a source of heat, it is not expected for this year. But nevertheless, the chances for another record year, are very high. The American weather service NOAA sees you even at 75 percent,“ explains the expert.

Update from the 20. May 2020: The summer 2020 again above average hot . In the North, strong dryness (threatens again to see the Update from the 13. May). However, it should not be with the hot summer of 2019 comparable. The long-term model of the American weather service NOAA looks in the the summer of 2020 in USA just slightly above average temperature. In June and July , the deviations are 0.5 to 1 degree above the long-term average. The August has been calculated, however, on average, heated.

While it should be in the North dry, could be the June in southern Germany from rain , dominated, and more often than it is the Outdoor enthusiasts love. In General, the is June with an average of 85 litres per square metre of the wettest month in Germany . This is mainly due to the summer storms .

First summer forecasts are: According to the experts, scaling up is a Problem is looming, “” in

Update 13. May 2020: , the Portal looks forward and dares to take a first summer forecast. From the point of view of these experts in North Germany could get in the coming months, a “scaling up of water is a problem” . It is no matter how wet the summer will, the drought problem was already there, and I’ve built up over the past two years. Through the Sunny and dry April have further exacerbated the Situation. According to the long-term forecast from the American weather service NOAA also June and July is likely to be in the North to dry, only in the South, there could be more rain.

According to is meanwhile, a new heat record (for Germany, currently at 42.6 degrees) “pretty excluded”. The heat wave in 2019 was simply to exceptional.

However, two weather experts severe accusations against the German weather service: “Has to do with a reputable measurement, nothing more.”

weather in Germany: summer is forecast sit up and take notice – 40-degree threshold could be a number of times fall

first message 7. May 2020 – The next few days to entice us with a sunshine and temperature up to 27 degrees in the South of Germany into the open. Although the North of the country will have to adjust rather on maximum temperatures around 17 degrees – but nowhere is rainfall, spoil the merry month of may.

The turning point – away from the summer feelings back in the direction of the Winter – then, of all things, on mother’s day. Although can be discharged first to hit on Saturday evening, but it will be on Sunday really uncomfortable with cold temperatures and Wind* , such as reported. And on Monday, the icemen begin.

long-term forecast for the weather in Germany: Eisheilige separate Winter and summer

Monday to Friday (11. to 15. May) are in the sign of Mamertus, Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifatius and Sophie. In the old farmer’s calendars in the middle of may was: Before these days you should sow nothing, because soil frosts can now do again, to destroy everything. The good news from the people know: we Have survived these days, threaten to w eder, snow or ice .

compatible with the before say this year : How writes, it is indeed next week actually uncomfortable. Especially in the night to Tuesday, the snow in the South of Germany-and even in the deep layers. But already from the middle of the week, the temperatures climb to 20 degrees, and more. Weather online expects to at least 21.5. not with precipitation.

weather in Germany: it is from the end of may

you Follow the rules of the farmer’s calendar, then especially warm days, we are from the end of may until the end of June into the house, interrupted by occasional fog days. Only in the following period until the middle of July it should be changeable with rain and sun.

According to the temperatures should be but by then 0.5 to 1 degree above the average means. And, although prior to the official beginning of summer on 20. June, again cold days – the so-called sheep-cold – threatening.

weather in Germany: The summer is hot and dry

+ the summer heat: The temperatures in summer is about 40 degrees©dpa / Sven Hoppe

climbing an extreme weather situation, we need to set us afterwards – because there’s the statements from the farmer’s almanac and the weather experts of our day cover. In the summer of 2020 could bring us multiple temperatures beyond 40 degrees – particularly in the so-called dog days between 23. July and 23. August and 2020 in order to be the second warmest year since the beginning of weather records. Particularly to the North of Germany the weather is make experts Worried. Here is a significant shortage of rainfall could fall.

How strong is the summer differs now from the calendar means, and the temperature table of While the average temperature between 1961 and 1990 was 16.3 degrees, in the summer of 2019 already 19.2 degrees and is likely to be exceeded in 2020.

what will the weather be in Germany on father’s day? A meteorologist made a clear announcement.

section list image:©dpa / María José López