In the next few weeks are likely to be more people traveling by rail. So you need to have the Corona-crisis, no queasy feeling, increasing the Deutsche Bahn to the cleaning staff strong. In Frankfurt, you will test also a special method.

Berlin (Reuters) – Deutsche Bahn wants to do in times of Corona-pandemic more for Hygiene and cleanliness in trains and at railway stations.

the Federal group intends to double by July, the number of cleaning workers in the long-distance trains, on 500, the company said. Previously, the Funke media group had reported. In August, then 600 should be this “on – the-go cleaner” in the ICE-and IC-trains in use, it said. A total of 4300 employees for the cleaning in cars, and train stations are nationwide responsible.

“in Front of the Coronavirus, we can protect ourselves only by working together,” said passenger transport Board of management Berthold Huber. “Rail travel is safe.”

the focus of the cleaning to the so-called contact surfaces, i.e. door handles, handles and handrails. Also the washrooms and toilets were. To train especially the tickets would stations and snack vending machines are the most frequently cleaned.

long-distance trains are cleaned, therefore, the provision in the works, as well as every two hours during the journey. Regional trains “are cleaned on average three Times per day,” it said. “In line with many travelers more often.”

Deutsche Bahn for Hygiene and cleaning according to the information provided each year in the high three-digit million amount, “the increase this year even further”.

With the Opening of Restaurants and Hotels in many of the länder are also likely to end the trains are full, especially with the upcoming two a long week. Although the passengers were in the crisis, the numbers dropped dramatically. The train had reduced her range of railway services but hardly. Especially in regional traffic, the capacity will be driven, in the meantime, back to the pre-crisis level is high.

With the action, the railway also advertises for the security in the trains. The environmental organization Greenpeace expects that many people will avoid out of fear of contagion in public transport and instead take the car.

on the trains, the workers pointed continuously on the hygiene rules such as Wearing of fabric masks, a spokesman said. This practice will also be continued on the coming father’s day weekend over ascension day.

according to The communication, the stations at around 180-coaster and the 150-Service Stores in the future, a disinfectant from donors free of charge offer. Also can be used in courtyards, therefore, to the 20 major railway stations, such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt or Cologne in the washrooms, free of charge, to wash the hands. Those who don’t own a mask, can for 1.50 euros in the on-Board bistro, the long-distance trains and buy one. The railway has purchased, according to the own data of 19 million pieces.

Frankfurt Central station, the group tests also in the future, to two escalators, the cleaning UV-light. It is expected to be available from this Wednesday in operation and the hand-cleaning runs of the stairs that lead from the S-Bahn up to the station hall, said station Manager Hartmut Schwarz on Tuesday. The method was first tested for four weeks before it could be used elsewhere in Frankfurt or other railway stations.

The number of daily visitors and passengers pass through Frankfurt Central station, is due to the pandemic, currently with around 100,000 only about one-fifth. You climb again, said Black. Up to the Whitsun week-end he expected a further increase.