A man stood in the night to Thursday in the bar at a nightclub in the Swedish city of Norrköping, when he suddenly heard shots. Outside awaited him a disagreeable sight.

the Man, who is anonymous, says to the Swedish media Aftonbladet, to the large windows in the nightclub, was devastated when the shooting started at 1.20.

Subsequently, he chose to go outside of the nightclub to see if he could help, since he is a medical doctor.

Outside he saw two men lying still on the street, and together with a second he went in to give the heart and resuscitation.

Special one of the men had come violently to the damage, telling the witness.

“It looked as if he had been shot in the head. The mobile phone was still in his hand,” tells the man to Aftonbladet.

The two men, who were found on the street, was not to rescue.

Both men were in the 40s – and, according to the Swedish media Expressen were both known by the police and convicted of crimes.

A second witness tells to Expressen that he heard four to five shots being fired.

“People started running, there was panic. I was scared, went into shock and stood completely still,” says the witness.

A major police operation is now underway to unravel the two killings – and that was on the night of Thursday searched for technical evidence in the area, as several witnesses have been questioned. There is not yet arrested anyone in the case.