– Personally I hope that Corbyn is not chosen. I hope that the other side wins, says Israel Katz.

Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, said Thursday that he hopes a defeat for the labour party Labour’s new leader, Jeremy Corbyn, the british parliamentary elections about a week.

Katz refers to accusations that Corbyn has made anti-semitic statements.

Israel is even in the midst of a deep political crisis, after two general elections have not led to a regeringsdueligt majority.

so far There have only been few israeli reactions to Corbyns alleged anti-semitism, which has been a part of the focus both before and during the current uk election campaign.

part of the jews in the Uk have said that they will emigrate from the Uk if Corbyn wins the election.

last week said Katz, the israeli government had not discussed the possibility that the propalæstinensiske Corbyn wins the election.

But in an interview with the israeli army radio Thursday, says Katz about the uk choice of 12. december:

– I will not interfere in other countries ‘ choices, but personally, I hope he does not become selected. I hope that the other side wins.

Critics have long accused Corbyn of anti-semitism. It happened among other things in 2009, when he in parliament, called the palestinian militant group Hamas and the militant movement Hezbollah in Lebanon for “friends”.

According to The Guardian has Corbyn later regretted the statement.

In a BBC interview in late november was Corbyn asked several questions about anti-semitism in the Labour party.

It came to pass on the basis of a post written by chefrabbiner Ephraim Mirvis in The Times., who claimed that anti-semitism is “a new gift” in the Labour party.

In the interview was Corbyn asked four times in different ways, whether he would say sorry to the british jews for its handling of anti-semitism.

There was no excuse.

– What I will say is this: I am determined that our society should be safe for all faiths. I don’t want anyone to feel insecure in our society, and our government must protect every community.

Corbyn has always supported the palestinians and has rejected, that it makes him an anti-semite.

Chefrabbiner Mirvis wrote, it has been 130 cases of anti-semitism in the Labour party. This is rejected by the party leadership.
