In reality, the Virus rages on, but on the TV screen, the beautiful, perfect world: well-Known German series want to ignore the Corona-crisis until Further notice, consistently, as a survey of the German press Agency revealed.

This applies to the “Rosenheim Cops” in Bavaria, as well as for the “urban area” in the high North, for “Good times, bad times” (GZSZ), and “storm of love” as well as “Berlin – Tag & Nacht”. “In terms of content, we do not broach the issue of Corona is currently,” said a spokesperson for the Ufa, the operas, the soap-duration burner “GZSZ” and “unter uns” produced on request.

Covid-19-pandemic plays no role in screenplays

The management of “Studio Hamburg”, which rotates the Hamburg classic, “big city area” and the Telenovela “Red roses,” said, “that the Covid-19 pandemic will play no role in the screenplays and stories,” and also said why: viewers fled in an ideal world “and do not want to be confronted in fictional formats with the reality”.

RTLzwei to led, especially for very practical reasons why the Virus is also in the “Berlin – day & night”, a show that sees itself as a “Reality Soap”, do not play a role: In the case of production heats of up to eight weeks is simply not possible. And Bavaria Fiction that “produces The Rosenheim-Cops” and “storm of love”, said: “A pandemic does not fit the content to the alignment of the two series.”

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