The lawyer Eric Dupond-Moretti was appointed keeper of the Seals, minister of Justice of the government of Jean Castex, has announced the general secretary of the Elysée, Alexis Kohler, Monday, 6 July 2020. The arrival in government of the tenor of the bar, feared the courts of assize, is one of the surprises of the new government. The one who succeeds Nicole Belloubet among the lawyers the most famous of France, known for his outspokenness, but also its virulence with regard to the magistrates.

at the End of June, the lawyer prevailed, with his verve usual against the parquet national financier (PNF), which has worked on its phone bills in detail (“fadettes”), such as those of several other lawyers, to attempt to identify a “mole” in the case referred to as “eavesdropping”, as revealed by The Point. According to the Elysée, the lawyer has withdrawn the complaint he had filed against X in the case.

This is a lawyer known for his “big mouth”, which was launched in the theatre in 2019, the successor to the quiet and discreet Nicole Belloubet. It happens in the place Vendôme six months after a historic movement to strike of lawyers against the pension reform.

Eric Dupond-Moretti, 59, began his career at Douai in 1984. More than 30 years of career and more than 120 acquittals, which has earned him the nickname of”acquittator”. He managed to pay Roselyne Godard, the baker Outreau, Jacques Viguier, a university charged with the murder of his wife, or Jean Castela, accused of ordering the murder of the prefect Erignac. His name appears in many great trials in recent years. He has been the lawyer of Patrick Balkany, of Jérôme Cahuzac. In 2020, it has integrated the international team of defence of Julian Assange.

Read also Dupond-Moretti : “quinoa and nudists in Paris, I graze ! “

“The trial is the most difficult of my career.”

In 2017, this is his defense of the brother of Mohamed Merah, Abdelkader, who had wild passions. “It is the trial the most difficult of my career. I took full mouth, I was insulted. It has been said that I was the shame of the profession, it has threatened my children”. But it was “an honor” to defend it, he then said. He also explained not to be there for the moral but for the right, and said he would have been able to defend “the man Hitler” if he had asked her to, but “provided that this does not justify the nazi ideology”.

also Read Eric Dupond-Moretti : “Plead, it is to bend ; to convince is to enjoy”

In the courtroom, it makes it blow for blow with his opponents. He uses his physical presence intimidating, to put under pressure some of the witnesses of the prosecution. In moments of extreme tension, nothing and nobody seems able to stop it in defense of his client.

“A declaration of war on the judiciary”

The appointment place Vendôme of this tenor, who had taken position very hard against the magistrates, is a surprise. It had hitherto always been classified to the left and was supported at least in private, Martine Aubry in the primary of 2011. This lawyer media, couple with the singer of popular canadian Isabelle Boulay, was to be a chronic early morning on Europe 1 at the start of the year.

“This appointment is a gesture of appeasement towards the lawyers”, welcomed to the Agency France-Presse Christiane Féral-Schuhl, president of the national bar Council, which represents 70 000 French lawyers. “The lawyers are waiting for political acts strong, a minister, who is supportive, who knows what it is to be a lawyer. Eric Dupond-Moretti embodies that,” for the president of the NBCC.

Read also Accused of ” high terror “, Eric Dupond-Moretti replica

On the other hand, Lucille Rouet, national secretary of the Union of magistrates (SM, left), said it was “dismayed by this signal”. “One wonders a bit compared to his recent statements on the PNF, and some magistrates,” said the magistrate, who hopes that “he will endeavour to reconcile the members of the judiciary”, the lawyers and judges.

The appointment Monday for the position of keeper of the Seals of the lawyer Eric Dupond-Moretti is a “declaration of war against the judiciary,” said the USM, majority union among judges, in a statement to Agence France-Presse. “Name a personality, as clivante and disregards at this point the magistrates, it is a declaration of war on the judiciary”, said Céline Parisot, president of the Union of magistrates. “What is the message when the minister of Justice is relegated so far in the order of protocol ? Total disregard for Justice,” she added.

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Special eloquence – But how do they do it ? Justice : in the manufactures of the best litigators in Trial policy : councils ironic of Dupond-Moretti to Mélenchon When the prosecutor of Paris feared the infiltration of its services Éric Dupond-Moretti : “Plead, it is to bend ; to convince is to enjoy “