The king is supposed to have a birthday six cars of the Daimler-luxury brand Maybach bought, reports the “Bild”newspaper. The Monarch is to the bodies in person at the car maker in Sindelfingen have ordered. The cheapest Maybach-model fails with a list price of 180,000 euros – without any special equipment.

Rama X. prefer to spend in Germany than in Thailand

Rama X. since a few years much more time in Germany than in Thailand, in his home, the king can only be irregularly to see. Shortly before the death of his father Bhumibol in October 2016 Rama bought as a Prince in a Villa on the Starnberger lake near Munich. Since the outbreak of the Corona-crisis of the Monarch and his Entourage lives Partenkirchen in a Hotel in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. For the move to the Hotel he had received a special approval from the local district office.In Thailand, Rama X. lets meanwhile, activists and opponents of the regime to pursue. Criticism of the king or the monarchy is punishable by severe penalties. More News from the world of culture and entertainment

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