The Berlin public prosecutor is investigating Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann (60). This was confirmed by a press spokeswoman on Wednesday for the news agency spot on news. The investigations were initiated “due to several criminal complaints by third parties – i.e. persons not involved in the possible crime – as well as ex officio by the Berlin public prosecutor’s office,” as the spokeswoman said.

It would be about “accusations in the field of sexual offenses and the delivery of narcotics”. Further information could not be given at the moment, “so as not to endanger the ongoing investigations and to protect the personal rights of the potentially injured and the accused,” it said.

Northern Ireland’s Shelby Lynn, who was the first woman to make allegations against Lindemann on social networks, welcomed the investigation into the Rammstein singer in a statement. “I am very happy that our voices are finally being heard and taken seriously. This development means a lot to those affected, especially after the actions of the Lithuanian police and Till Lindemann’s lawyers,” she explained to “Welt”.

Lynn made the first allegations after attending the Rammstein concert on May 22 in the Lithuanian capital. It was only today that she reported to “Welt” that she had filed a complaint against the Lithuanian police because they will not initiate criminal investigations in Vilnius against the front man and any other suspects.

However, this decision still has to be confirmed by the public prosecutor’s office. The authorities in Vilnius told the “Welt” that they had not yet made a final decision.

“I submitted a written objection yesterday,” Lynn explained. She also asked for access to the files. “I am completely irritated by the actions of the Lithuanian police.”

After Lynn’s allegations, further descriptions of Rammstein concerts were published a little later via social media, which correspond to their descriptions. Young women were “specifically” selected during concerts and invited to after-show parties. Sexual acts are also said to have taken place. Research by the NDR and the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” substantiated this. Lindemann rejects the allegations, his lawyer called them “without exception untrue”.

The band, meanwhile, made a statement in which, among other things, it says: “The publications of the last few days have caused irritation and questions among the public and especially among our fans. The allegations have hit us all very badly and we take them very seriously serious.” The six musicians don’t want any “public prejudice” – in either direction. “We condemn any kind of transgression and ask you: Do not participate in public prejudice of any kind towards those who have made allegations. They have a right to their point of view,” the post reads.

The presumption of innocence applies to the Rammstein singer until the investigation is completed.