world Day of Africa, may 25th was chosen to commemorate the founding of the Organization of african Unity (OAU) in 1963, which became in 2002 in Syrte, Libya, the african Union. On this occasion, the artists and civil society on the african continent and its diaspora have mobilized around the project WAN (Worldwide African Network)* with the goal of raising awareness about the risks of infection, to initiate a collective reflection on Africa and give visibility to the actors of the construction of post-crisis Covid-19 of the continent. On this occasion, several african artists of reputation have accepted, under the leadership of the moderator, journalist and producer in cameroon Amobé Mévégué well known to listeners of Radio France International (South-facing) and viewers of Canal France International (Africa Music), MCM Africa, TV5 Monde (Acoustic, Africanités), France 24 (Journal of the culture of music) and the chain pan-african Ubiznews, a hundred african artists and the sponsorship of Youssou Ndour, to participate in this show, pan-african. They have to name Angélique Kidjo, Fally Ipupa and many others, to which is attached the singer of the group Kassav Jocelyne Béroard. Headlining this great virtual scene, Tiken Jah Fakoly has agreed to respond to the Point Africa about this event and his vision for Africa’s post-crisis Covid-19.

Read also #JeSuisWAN : “The transformation to digital will be the base of the african model of development”

The Point Africa : what thoughts you suggests the occurrence of this pandemic Covid-19 ?

Tiken Jah Fakoly : All the world thought that this disease was going to ravage Africa. Of course, all Africans have not become aware of the danger of the disease, but it has been seen that the governments have started to organize very early and that people have followed the movement to get a message through. These provisions have been met in part. I say in part because we need to know that many Africans do not believe in the existence of this disease, even today. But what is sure, is that we have all observed the responsiveness of leaders from the first case. They have made arrangements at the level of prevention.

Now the big question is to know why this disease has not spread in Africa as elsewhere ? Everyone looking for the answer to this conundrum. For my part, I will say that there may be a resistance of Africans to the fact of drugs taken to treat malaria or many other diseases. Moreover, we cannot say that it is because we are Black. Our brothers african-americans pay a high price in the United States and even in Latin America. There may be also the great heat which has prevented the virus from spreading. It should also be remembered that we have a population that is very young. In the coming months, scientists will certainly have answers to give us.

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what motivated you to participate in this event around the #IamWAN ?

I have agreed to participate in this initiative because it is a project made by Africans for Africans. You know, every time that Africa has a problem, it is the others who come to offer solutions. This time it is different. I adhered everything on to the project because, in the scenes, Amobé Mévégué and Mory Toure, as well as their teams, are very encouraging. I am committed to do my part. I’ve prepared a song in acoustic. It is up to the Africans to raise the awareness of Africans. As a pan-africanist, I’m convinced of it. I couldn’t miss this meeting-you-here.

Otherwise, there is also that we the artists have the chance that our voice will be listened to, sometimes even more than those of the policies. Modestly, I think I might be one of the voices most listened to on the continent. So it was super important that I put at service of this cause because awareness of the other, it was-and still is to protect me from myself. Because if the others are contaminated, I run the risk of me contaminating them. In addition to gestures barriers, I had to put my voice in the service of this cause. As soon as the announcement of the first case on the african continent, I began to think of making a song. The chorus came, and then the verses also. Then, I went into the studio to record.

anyway, I want to continue to make music, continue to record albums, out of the songs and, through my art, to awaken the consciences. I can’t help Africa through my songs. I want to galvanize the african youth to change things together. This will allow us to take charge, because nobody is going to change this continent in our place.

also Read Music : Tiken Jah Fakoly on a note on the pan-africanist

What would you say in relation to Africa’s post-Covid-19 ?

I think of the african youth. It is necessary that one stops a fight between us because of the policies. Everyone of us has opinions, which is his right to do so, but preference should be given to the unit from the officers to force them to do things as it should be. Everybody knows that this continent is very rich with poor people. There are the raw materials and the money flows. We simply must put ourselves in a situation to force our leaders to create jobs and to keep their promises.

another idea is that it should not always be expected to work in offices. A lot of Africans want to work in offices, wear ties, or be in the public administration. It is time to take other routes because, in many countries, all young people are not engaged in the administration.

Another important point : one should not place too much reliance on God for everything and all the time. The Africans tend to say ” I rely on God, it’s going to go, it’s going to go. “I answer that God is very busy. He took care of Asians, Americans, Europeans, etc., So, if the Africans are there to just say ” It’s going to go, God is great, God is great… “, nothing will change. It is necessary to remain a believer, but it is necessary to alleviate the responsibility of God. To do this, we must be united in the face of politicians and punish them when they don’t do what it takes. And strength to change, many african countries will eventually find a good leader.

also Read Music – Samuel Nja Kwa : “I have seen how this continent is musical ! “

* The Point Africa was broadcast Facebook Live on its official page, the “WAN (Worldwide African Network) Show” 2.0 ”

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