A new sperm bank in New Zealand will with a new initiative to combat the stigmatisation of people living with hiv.

the World’s first hiv-positive sperm bank is the night of Wednesday the Danish time opened in New Zealand.

the Purpose of the sperm bank, Sperm Positive, is to reduce the stigma of hiv-infected persons.

– An hiv-positive sperm bank is completely safe, says Mark Thomas, professor of infections at Auckland University, in a press release.

– When a person continuously takes an effective treatment for hiv infection, so reduced the amount of hiv virus in their blood and semen are almost always for an amount that is so small that it can not be measured.

This means that one can no longer transmit hiv infection to others. Not through unprotected sex or through birth, he explains.

Cum Positive for a start got cumshot from three new zealand men living with hiv, but who do not have the virus in a level that can be measured. It writes The Guardian.

One of the hiv-infected persons who have donated the sperm for the new storage center, is Damien, the Rule-Neal.

Grandbetting He was diagnosed with hiv in 1999, and since he began his treatment for 18 years ago, he has not been infectious to others.

the Diagnosis was at first extremely difficult to accept. For me it has been crucial to educate myself in relation to the diagnosis in order to be able to live with it and take ownership of the situation, he says to the dpa.

The past two decades, he has seen a lot of stigma in relation to his illness, both professionally and personally. It is because many people are misinformed about the hiv virus, he believes.

– I have many friends who are also living with hiv, which is now starting to have children, says Damien, the Rule-Neal.

– to be able To help others on their journey is very rewarding. But I also hope to be able to show the world that life does not stop when you are diagnosed with hiv, and to help to remove stigmaet.
