Ursula von der Leyen, can’t wait to get started with his work as president of the EUROPEAN Commission.

After a turbulent process with additional consultations and rejected the commission candidates waiting for Wednesday is the big exam for the EUROPEAN Commission’s incoming president, Ursula von der Leyen.

The 61-year-old German, itching to get started.

– today, I am asking you to support me, so that Europe can move forward, ” says von der Leyen in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

– My message is clear: Let’s get started with the work.

the EU Parliament is voting on the whole of the EU-Commission. Approval requires a simple majority.

The next president of the review one by one the areas that she will focus on the next five years. And all the candidate commissioners will be presented to the parliament.

Key among the next EUROPEAN Commission ambitions is the fight against climate change and the green transition.

– The need to be fair and inclusive. Otherwise, it will never come to pass. It will kæve large investment and training of people. And it will Casinomaxi require both public and private money, says von der Leyen.

another area where the former German forsvarsministers initiatives and announcements will be followed closely, is migration.

in recent years, increasing migration to Europe, which peaked in 2015, split the EU countries, which cannot agree on how to establish a common asylum system. The current system is broken.

In the speech stresses, von der Leyen, one thing is certain:

Europe will always give protection to those in need of international protection.

– It is in our interest that those who are here, are integrated in our society. We must also ensure that those who do not have the right to be here, being sent back to their home country, says the German.

She would have reformed the asylum system, without forgetting the values of “solidarity and responsibility”.

– We need to create opportunities in countries of origin. It will not be easy, but let us remember Vaclac Havel (former Czech president and writer) words: It is the good and right thing to do, she says.

along the Way in the opening speech also falls a short greeting for Jean-Claude Juncker, who has been president of the EUROPEAN Commission since 2014.

He may, if the EU Parliament-as expected-supports the German on Wednesday, go on the pension 1. december.

Von der Leyen thank Jean-Claude Juncker and adds:

– The inheritance which he leaves, speak a clear language.

Junckers mandate expired 31. October november. But the European Parliament rejected several of the von der Leyens candidates for the EU Commission, and therefore had to be the next EUROPEAN Commission beginning of the year to be postponed.
