the Number of people who died of measles in 2018, was 142,000 digital. It is 15 percent more than the year before.

the Lack of vaccines for several of the world’s poor areas, contributing to either 142,000 people died of measles in 2018.

It says the world health Organization.

It is 15 percent more than the year before.

It is assumed that 9.8 million people were infected with measles in 2018. It is almost 29 percent more than the year before.

The countries that are hardest hit by the virussygdommen, is the DRCongo, Liberia, Madagascar, Somalia and Ukraine.

These countries account for almost half of the victims in 2018, but according to the world health organization, the disease in all parts of the world.

At the moment, struggling, among other things, the small island nation of Samoa in the Pacific ocean with an outbreak.

on Wednesday said the authorities, that 60 people have died during the current mæslingeudbrud in Samoa, which has 200,000 inhabitants.

the WHO says in its report that the majority of deaths in the year 2018, children under five years of age. They have the greatest risk of being infected with the disease, which, among other things, provides a rash, can lead to pneumonia and gives fever.

The majority become healthy again after a week, but many also lose their lives.

– The fact that children die of a disease like measles that can be prevented with vaccination, is frankly outrageous and a collective failure when it comes to the protection of the world’s most vulnerable children, says Tedros Adhanom, Ghebreysus, the WHO’s director-general, in a statement.

According to the WHO’s statement has the dissemination of the vaccinations has been stagnant for nearly a decade.

Ideally, should 95 percent of the world’s population to have a two mæslingevaccinationer in order to prevent outbreaks of the disease. But in the last year, it was only 86 percent of all children who were vaccinated, and it was only once.

Less than 70 percent got the vaccine number two.

In the year it also seems to go the wrong way. There are new mæslingeudbrud among other things, the Congo, Madagascar, Nigeria, Ukraine and Brazil.
