Although the extent is still unknown, there are many indications that svindelsagen in the Defence Ejendomsstyrelse is ‘relatively serious’.

It assesses the Per Nikolaj Bukh, professor of financial management at Aalborg University.

“You have only taken some samples in a single year, and it can go back for many years. And so it may prove, that it is much more comprehensive than we think,” he says to Ritzau.

Thursday afternoon, it emerged that two employees of the Defence Ejendomsstyrelse has been reported to the police for fraud with the money.

the Defence Ejendomsstyrelse is responsible for all the behavior and operation of defence facilities, and the agency manages an annual budget of two billion dollars.

Some of this money has been spent on fictitious procurement, says a study from the Office of the auditor general, which has transmitted the matter to the police.

The auditor general came on the trail of the alleged fraud, as a financial controller for a håndværkerfirma, who performed tasks for the agency, contacted.

It writes the TV 2 has talked with the revisoruddannede financial controller of the hotel, called Karsten Ravnsgaard.

He says that he became suspicious when he discovered that the amount håndværkervirksomheden invoiced Defence Ejendomsstyrelse, is not consistent with the real price of the task.

He also discovered that there’s the order form appeared expensive designerlamper, vacuum cleaners, and as wine gifts.

he took hold of his own management. But when this did not respond, he contacted the regnskabsansatte in the Defence Ejendomsstyrelse.

Here was also no response to download.

Karsten Ravnsgaard contacted The auditor general.

“I think it is reprehensible, when we have so many government agencies and municipalities, who are struggling. They are struggling to get it to hang together, and that we have some places in public, where they in one way or another sailing in their handling of money, so I think they would be better off in another place,” he tells on himself concerns.

A concern, as forsvarminister Trine Team (S) share. She calls the case ‘very serious’.

“Rigsrevisionens report is very scary reading, and it is very, very serious reading, it is here,” says Trine Team to the Althing.