After the popular showdown with the powerful leader Omar al-Bashir takes Sudan and the UNITED states a new diplomatic step.

Secretary Mike Pompeo reports that the UNITED states for the first time in 23 years will send an ambassador to Sudan.

The east african country sends its own ambassador to Washington.

the News comes while the Sudanese prime minister, Abdalla Hamdok, is on a visit in Washington.

– This decision is a meaningful step forward in strengthening the bilateral relations between the UNITED states and Sudan, ” says Pompeo.

He recalls that awaits Sudan “far-reaching reforms”.

Sudan has set a democratic path, after the country’s longtime authoritarian leader, president Omar al-Bashir, was forced from power earlier this year by a coup. Prior was gone by large-scale popular protests against the regime.

the Relationship between the UNITED states and Sudan has for several years been very strained. Sudan was in 1993 on the u.s. list of terrorist groups. Bashir was then accused of supporting terrorist groups.

That meant, in effect, that the Sudan was cut off from the debt relief and help from The International Monetary fund and the world bank.

the Regime was also accused of serious crimes against civilians in Darfur.

After the turnaround was there in august formed a transitional government in the country.
