Diagnosefejl in the health care system is widespread and happens often in the first contact with the healthcare system, shows the report.

The last ten years has 7600 patients have received compensation in the Danish health care system for the damage caused by the misdiagnosis.

dying Each year, and about 63 patients as a result of a wrong diagnosis.

It appears by a report from the Patienterstatningen and the Danish society for Patient safety.

the Report is based on Patienterstatningens data from 2009 to 2018, and is a mapping of the extent of misdiagnosis in the Danish health care system.

this is The first time, there is made such a survey, and it is extremely important, if patient safety is to be strengthened, believes Inge Kristensen, who is the director of the Danish society for Patient safety.

– made thousands of diagnoses in Denmark each year – and luckily, many of them timely and correct – but there are also cases, where they could be made faster.

– We must learn everything we can, when it goes wrong, so that we can ensure that as many people as possible get the right diagnosis at the right time, she says.

It is most often in the beginning of a course of treatment, the errors being committed, Eva Benfeldt, there are specialist and have helped to write the report and reviewed a little over 200 of the cases.

– It is in the initial phase where listening to the patient’s history, examine the patient and perhaps the order of the first studies, it most often goes wrong.

– from the information we have had access to, we can not determine exactly why the errors are happening, she says.

But Eva Benfeldt points to several possible reasons that are being given wrong diagnoses.

– Factors such as time constraints, inadequate communication between patient and doctor, lack of access to collegial cooperation or lack of involvement of the patient’s relatives are all good bids, ” she says.

Overall, from 2009 to 2018 paid an amount of 2.25 billion dollars in compensation for diagnosefejl to the victim patients and their relatives.
