the French tax against it giants such as Google are “exceptionally burdensome”, shall assess UNITED states trade representative.

the UNITED states is threatening France with a big customs duties, after France has introduced a special tax targeting it giants.

It informs the UNITED states trade representative Robert Lighthizer, the night of Tuesday local time.

The american government, thus threatening to impose a tariff of up to 100 percent on goods from France for 2.4 billion dollars.

It will among other things be able to hit French products such as champagne, handbags and cheese.

The French parliament adopted in July a new law on taxation of the digital giants. Including Facebook, Amazon, Google and Apple. The tax is three percent of the revenue.

president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, reacted promptly by opening a so-called 301-study.

It is the same as the UNITED states used as a basis for customs tariffs in handelskrigen with China.

According to the study the voices of the French tax “is not consistent with the applicable rules of international tax law and is exceptionally burdensome for the affected u.s. companies”.

The state trade representative Robert Lighthizer, who is behind the investigation, on the night of Tuesday.

France has introduced the digital tax, after the country met with resistance in other EU countries such as Ireland, Sweden and Denmark.

But several european countries announced that they had plans to go in France’s footsteps in the field.

Robert Lighthizer informs on the night of Tuesday, the u.s. government is studying whether to open a corresponding 301-survey of digital taxes in Austria, Italy and Turkey.

– the Focus is on combat EU landendes rising protectionism, which unfairly hits the u.s. companies, says Lighthizer.

– whether it is through the introduction of digital taxes or other measures, as directed against the leading u.s. digital companies.

UNITED states trade representative, adding that he will collect public comments on kralbet giriş the proposed tariffs on French goods up to 14. January.

in Addition, he will hold a public hearing on the 7. January.

He has not provided, when the customs duties are scheduled to enter into force.
