school Students do worse in science than in 2015, while reading and mathematics are at the level of the former.

The Danish school students are performing worse in science than in the past, and the boys have gone back more than the girls.

It shows the Pisa study, which tests the views of pupils skills and published every third year.

the Study does not give any reason for, that the pupils have gone back in sahabet giriş science, which covers physics, chemistry, biology and geography.

Despite the decline, the Danish school remains above average in science in the OECD, which consists of 35 countries.

The same is true in reading and mathematics. In reading and mathematics, the development is fairly stable for Danish students overall, compared with 2015.

the Boys have gone back into the mathematics, while girls are better at figuring.

– It is positive that the Danish students now for the second time in a row is above the OECD average in all three domains, says senior researcher in the Vive Vibeke Tornhøj Christensen, who is project manager for Pisa in Denmark.

– However, the decline in the science of natural up to look at, how to in the best interest of science in the Danish teaching, she says in a written comment.

Although Denmark is above the average in the OECD, about every sixth pupil kategoriset as a very weak reading. The rate has large been unchanged since 2009.

Minister of education), Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil (S) is pleased with the overall results.

But she is concerned about the decline in science subjects and the number of weak readers.

– We must not forget that one out of six leave school without adequate læsekompetencer, so although the overall numbers look good, so cover the above major challenges for the Danish format.

– I am concerned about the decrease we see in science. We need to look at. The competences, the students do not get in the school, they run the risk of missing the rest of his life, says Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil in a written comment.

Pisa is an OECD study comparing school students ‘ performance in all member states, as well as a number of “partner countries”.

It is a 15-year-olds, which are being tested. In this instance, it is 7657 young people in Denmark, distributed in 344 schools, who participated in the survey.
