If prince Andrew is a little careful to check the news for the time being, so it makes good sense.

Almost daily, there are new accusations against the british prince, and Sunday is not an exception.

This time it is The newspaper The Mail, which come with a disclosure that he has used his status to promote the businessman David Rowland.

They write that prince Andrew and David Rowland has had a business project together at The British Virgin islands in the Caribbean.

Here was the plan, according to Nerobet the newspaper, that prince Andrew was going to use his contacts to obtain a lot of million homes that could come tax-free.

It reveals the e-mail correspondences, as The Mail has gotten hold of.

Prince Andrew has for many years been the man who has raised could in the world to represent the Uk to the financiers.

And you think so now, that he has abused the position that he and David Rowland has run a lot of money home.

Supposedly, prince Andrew also have leaked confidential documents about his conversations with chinese businessmen.

He has also arranged that David Rowlands representatives could meet with important businessmen, although prince Andrew was on an official trip to the Uk.

the Abuse of his status is just a chapter in a thick book about what prince Andrew is being accused of in these days.

a few days ago, it was a former lapdancer, which was after the prince.

When the woman met prince Andrew at a party, he chose – according to her explanation, as the first to place his head between her tits and shake his head as he stuck his tongue out between his lips and made a kind of ‘pruttelyd’.

He has chosen to withdraw from official duties for a longer period of time.

It all started when the prince was accused of having availed themselves of the billionaire Jeffrey Epsteins sex slave.

Jeffrey Epstein took his own life in a prison cell three months ago.