Stale Solbakken triumphed – of course – one is tempted to write, in his fight number 600 in the lead for FC Copenhagen.

the 2-1 was it for FC Copenhagen in københavnerbraget against Brøndby IF, and it confirmed the image of a FCK-coach, who manages the show in the Park and the surrounding area.

Eight championships he won in his two periods as I am a trainer since 2006, and today he is stronger than ever in mesterklubben in its powerful managerrolle.

“He is the uncrowned king of the Park. It is he, because he has the responsibility for all the sporting, and he has created so much success, that he has so much faith from those who are sitting on their wallets, that he can almost get what he is pointing at.”

so says Michel Wikkelsø Davidsen, fodboldredaktør at B. T., in this week’s Football FM, where the 51-year-old nordmands role and importance of the FCK was debated.

I am legend Christian Lønstrup, who has played with Stale Solbakken in the white shirt, and which nowadays also is the coach, agrees.

“He’s status is abnormal. It has always been in the cards, that the Stale should be toptræner. At the time I played with him, he was soon a cult figure, and he was the leader, it could also see on the pitch. It is not surprising that he runs the Gobahis show in there,” says Lønstrup:

“He has created a culture, he knows what he wants, but he is also good to listen to others. He is skilled to stay in business. He is not indolent. The only time where I thought that he was losing ground, was when he went to Germany, after he had beaten United in the Champions League. That he thought he could walk on water. And I can also really understand.”

Football FM is the B. T. Sports podcast on football and only football. Here debating players from the world of football every Monday the main events and issues from home and abroad. The broadcast can be heard below.

this week’s themes to the big københavnerbrag, Stale Solbakkens time in FCK and Denmark lodtrækningsheld by EM.