It continues with the popular ZDF crime series “Die Rosenheim Cops”. Filming for season 23 is already in full swing. A total of 26 new episodes will be produced. Once again, everything revolves around the two commissioners Anton Stadler (Dieter Fischer, 51) and his colleague Sven Hansen (Igor Jeftić, 51), who are once again supported by secretary Miriam Stockl (Marisa Burger, 49) and police chief Michi Mohr (Max Müller , 58) are supported in their investigations.

Alexander Ollig, producer of the responsible Bavaria Fiction, on the new episodes: “26 new episodes, that means 26 times to solve a murder case and 26 times to outwit the little snags of everyday life. So crime thrillers are again well taken care of.” According to the announcement, filming is expected to continue until November 2023. A broadcast date has not yet been announced.

The comedic crime series “Die Rosenheim Cops” has been on the air since 2002. So far, well over 500 episodes have been broadcast. Until 2020, Korbinian Hofer was in charge of investigating in the Upper Bavarian city of Rosenheim. Hofer was played by the actor Joseph Hannesschläger (1962-2020), who was in front of the camera for the series until a few months before his death. From the beginning, the focus was on the special constellation of the two inspectors: one of the two main investigators is a long-established, small-town Upper Bavarian inspector. His colleague is a criminal from the metropolis who has his difficulties with the peculiarities of rural areas.