Bethlehem J. has a custom: “Every three or four months I see again some movies. Back to the future, some of the Harry Potter or even some romantic comedy type Love, Actually. Also series such as Sex in New York and Tell me how to step. I guess I like it so much that I don’t care to repeat instead of searching in Netflix and other new”. It is not a question of someone who hates the news. For their work -is specialized in technology – this journalist of 26 years have to be aware of everything new, but the recreation is another thing. If you go into the proceloso world of acronyms in English, Bethlehem would not suffer the ict psychologically more widespread in this decade, the so-called FOMO, Fear of missing out or, in English, “afraid to miss something”.


Binges of series and isolation: just changed to Netflix our way of watching tv career by purchasing the great series of the past 25 years

according To research published in The Journal of Experimental Biology, evolutionarily we are predisposed to find new experiences more exciting than that we already know. As our brains cannot process all the stimuli that surround us, we have evolved to pay attention to what new and potentially dangerous, in front of the family, you already know that it is safe. This has been enhanced by the culture of the influencers in social networks and industry experiences, that have made terms like “boilerplate” have a burden derogatory. That is one of the reasons why the content platforms audovisuales are obsessed with bombarding their customers with new series.

however, as of January 1, Friends disappeared from Netflix in the united States, the only platform in which you could see in the series, and that has caused a crisis. The first time it was announced, by the end of 2018, that Netflix was going to remove the classic from the nineties, to your offer, the uproar which was set up in the united STATES was such that had to back up. The platform paid 100 million dollars to keep it one more year. It was the same amount that had been disbursed in 2015 for broadcast on the exclusive for three years. That term has expired, and the Friends will not be able to see in streaming until may 1, when he was going to be a part of the grill to HBO’s Max, a kind of version hormonada of HBO, in which the catalog has as much weight as the new.

Warner, the conglomerate behind HBO’s Max, it was made with the rights of Friends for some 400 million dollars. And it’s not even the series most-watched of Netflix. That is The Office (the american version, which ended in 2013), which is still in the platform, but only a few more months. NBC has done with it by about $ 500 million, and will be one of the deals star of Peacock, its new streaming service, which will launch in the US April of 2021. To offset these cancellations, Netflix has acquired “Seinfeld,” another series that stopped airing over 20 years ago.

Because in spite of the legendary opacity of Netflix with everything that has to do of audience, by the end of 2018, a u.s. firm data analysis, Jumpshot, published a list of the series more views on the platform and gave that think. Beyond that only seven of the top 20 were his own productions and now that virtually the entire chain plans to start its own streaming service, Netflix can lose the rest, more than half of the 50 titles most viewing corresponded to series as New Girl (2011-2018), Friends (1994-2004), Parks and recreation (2009-2015) or Frasier (1993-2004), which, according to the theory of FOMO, should have been forgotten a long time ago. Apparently, while at dinner we talk about The Crown, or Game of Thrones (the series most expensive in history) in house we enjoy watching for the umpteenth time a chapter of The prince of Bel Air.

The golden age of the series of the catalogue, seems to have its explanation with other acronyms, JOMO, Joy Of Missing Out: “The pleasure of lost things”. It turns out that another publication, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, has published a study that suggests that maybe we should reconsider how we face the repetition of things. Ed O’brien, a professor of Behavioral Science at the University of Chicago, thought that perhaps it was minusvalorando the reaction to the repeated experience, and that it was not a psychological construct but a social one. “There is a general belief according to which if you want to seem cultured and interesting you must be open to new experiences. It may be true, but you forget the value of delving into something that we already know”, told The New York Times.

your test with a group of volunteers Or’ ‘brien drew the repeated experience were more pleasant than the participants expected. “The new experiences are very enjoyable, and our studies confirm this idea. In many cases, they are the best. But what our studies emphasize is that the options are repeated also have great value and are easier to digest than something totally new.” According to O’brien, this also acquires a new meaning in the current world in which we are habitually distracted. “While I enjoy a museum, or a beer, my mind also thinks of e-mails without open, phone calls to return and the name of my history teacher in primary school. Repeating things is actually a choice to experience something in its entirety”.