All of the pressure on a congressman, who also is not a professional politician and has just opened his act in the Congress. Thousands of emails cluttering your inbox asking you to change your vote, your village has dawned with painted in which he is called “traitor”, in the network sum signatures at full speed —already are 43,000— a campaign of Hazteoír which claims that “brake” Peter Sanchez… deputy Thomas Guitarte, Teruel Exists, a grouping of voters that has come to Parliament for the first time to report the problems of Spain, depopulated, it has been found in the eye of the hurricane by the investiture of Pedro Sanchez. Your affirmative vote is decisive for the socialist leader to be sworn in on Tuesday, and report an intense campaign of pressure aimed at doblegarle. He holds stoic. “There is no possibility of changing my vote. What we have agreed is to support”, says to THE COUNTRY.

vote for Pedro Sanchez is very accurate, so that any change of criteria at the last minute or the absence is not planned … it could give to the fret with the endowment. The candidate has secured 167 ayes —among them the ” Teruel Exists— compared to 165 noes. If the deputy teruel change the not, the result would be a draw to 166 and the investiture would crater. Hence the pressures that denounced him from the podium in the debate on Saturday. “We demand a respect for the turolenses, our future what we will decide ourselves”, claimed on the floor raising up from their seats to the mps of the PSOE and United we Can, which broke into applause in their support.


Sánchez does not achieve the confidence of the Congress on the first ballot, The intervention of EH Bildu in the Congress causes a great anger to the right of The minority that will support the endowment of Sanchez in support of the agreement with ERC

Since Teruel Exists signed last Friday its agreement with the PSOE for the investiture, the deputy Guitarte began to notice the increased pressure. “If before receiving 200 emails, I went on to get to 3,000… When graffiti appeared in my town and on the sites that I usually move on because I worried a little bit more”, told in conversation with this newspaper. In the last few days have published information that relate to alleged connections between companies, their family environment with the valencian Government of the socialist Ximo Puig. “They are part of that campaign. It is not true that count. Yes it is true that a company my family has rented for years, not now, a few offices an agency that is not dependent on the valencian Government, but of the Cortes valencianas. It is something as normal as that two or three years ago he rented those offices as he could have rented to anyone, it was by public tender. And Teruel There is decided to be submitted to the elections just a few months ago. Is to twist the news to give it a meaning that does not have,” she complains.

The deputy, an architect for 58 years with barely any political experience, he insists that his vote in favor of Sanchez is not the result of a personal position, but a collective of the citizen movement that it represents. And that is not new. “In the election campaign we said by active and passive that we would ensure good governance. One of the facts that led us to introduce was the show of the previous legislature, in which they were not able to form a Government despite months of negotiations. We did not want this again to happen”.

His support to Sanchez is “institutional responsibility”: “we Believe that Spain is an interest that has already as soon as possible a Government that can take action”. Now, in Teruel There is a speech that a firm response to those who, from the right, accuse them of supporting a Government that is going to “break Spain”. “We’re already broken, there are places that we are at population densities below the deserts of demographics. This is a territorial issue seriously in front of others,” argues Guitarte. The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has pointed out on Twitter by calling the turolenses to camping in the plaza del Ayuntamiento to avoid that, “submit to the separatists.”

The hardness of the interventions, and the tension in the chamber were surprised at its premiere as a deputy. In his speech he acknowledged “embarrassed” by the level of debate. But do not you tremble to the legs. “There would be nothing I could do to change his mind,” warns the deputy of Teruel Exists for anyone who wants to listen to him. “Nor is there a alternative Government”, it reminds the formations of the right. Despite being the center of all the pressures, Guitarte is expressed serene, without any special concern. The Congress has offered to increase their security measures if they felt at risk, but so far he has rejected. This Saturday has already taken the first yes to Sanchez, and has to spend a night of Kings “normal” until he returns Tuesday to the Congress to give the definitive yes to the socialist candidate.