The granddaughter of Dióscoro Galindo, the master shot with the poet Federico García Lorca on the 18th of August, 1936 at Alfacar (Granada), has requested the judge to order the search for the remains of his grandfather and of the poet. The written statement submitted before a court in granada justifies its request on the emergence in the last year of new items on the case. It refers specifically to the interview of the journalist Víctor Fernández to José Antonio Valdivia Gomez, a former leader of gardens of the Diputación de Granada, for his investigative book on Lorca. In that interview, Valdivia recognizes that, in 1986, during some works in a park in Alfacar, in the area where it is believed that they were able to bury the writer, appeared a femur full pulled to a neighboring farm. It has never been researched that fact.


The experts rule out the presence of human remains in the park where she could be Lorca’s The last chance for Gibson to find Lorca

If the judge authorizes the search, this would be the fifth occasion in which you try to officially find the remains of Lorca and the second in the vicinity of the Source Big, area where it appeared the femur. Makes it almost a year, the Ministry of Justice has shut down a search initiated by the regional government of Andalusia after receiving the report of a technical commission that, after analyzing with radar the area, considered that there were no signs that make you suspect that there had been human remains.

The writing of Nieves Garcia Catalan, granddaughter of Galindo, the judge has been presented on the last day of 2019 and showed that in that interview with the journalist and researcher, Valdivia Gomez acknowledges that they found a femur, “about 50 metres from where the olive tree” in whose vicinity it is considered that they are buried Lorca, the teacher Galindo, and two banderilleros that they shot next to them, Francisco Galadi and Joaquin Arcollas. The location of the olive tree was marked to the historian Ian Gibson by Manolo the communist, Manuel Castilla, who was 17 years old at the time of the shootings and said that he had participated in the burials. The works that were carried out were, in fact, to the creation of the Park Federico García Lorca, at the root of the belief in the intimate relationship of the land with the poet. However, anyone who witnessed it seemed to him to be relevant.

In the interview, Valdivia Gomez acknowledges that he had the femur in his hands but that did not make more inquiries of other bones or shell casings in the hurry they had and because they feared that if they appeared many remains would end up stopping the work. So, threw the femur “to the farm that there is at the bottom by where the front door,” and recognized that they did cast other debris. There, with time, they built a housing estate.

this Is the neighborhood where, according to the written statement to the judge, in February of 2014 there was a human skull. The granddaughter of Galindo, across from Eduardo Ranz, his attorney, includes a clipping of the newspaper Ideal that speaks of that occurrence. The newspaper explains that a gardener of the estate The Caracolar, in Alfacar, found a human skull while he was doing his work about 100 yards from the park Federico García Lorca in Alfacar.

The document of the granddaughter of Galindo, in addition to the two discoveries of human remains are described, based his request on the principles established by the United Nations to be relevant “for the restitution and compensation of victims, taking care of repair to the victim and their relatives, by compensating the damage suffered”. According to the text, that is something that has not yet been possible for “the families of the victims found in the pit of the park Federico García Lorca”. Garcia Catalan request, in addition, to change the cause of death stated on her death certificate. Now listed as died “as a result of injuries caused by fact of war,” and requested that the record as “disappeared during the coup, the Civil War and the repression of the Dictatorship is back”.