Carlos Ghosn wants to protect his own in the midst of speculation about how the former president of Renault-Nissan was able to wriggle out of the close surveillance to which it was subject in Japan to flee to Lebanon via Turkey, where seven people were arrested Thursday, suspected of having aided in his escape. In full storm, the powerful businessman sent a message assuming the full responsibility of your journey to relieving your closest family, about those who are focused suspicions. “I was the one who organised my departure. My family did not have any role,” he said.


The daring escape of Carlos Ghosn to Beirut, The former president of Nissan Carlos Ghosn, investigated for corruption, escapes from Japan and comes as a surprise to Beirut, Nissan and Renault are trying to overcome the era Ghosn

“The statements in the media according to which my wife, Carole, and other members of my family would have had a role in my departure from Japan are false and deceptive,” continues the press release.

The attempt to Ghosn to exculpate his family occurs in full storm, for the escape of one of the men most watched in Japan, I was waiting to be tried for alleged tax fraud. The shock of Ghosn has placed the magnifying glass on the japanese authorities, unable to retain the king, fallen in the automotive sector worldwide. The suspicions also spread to the lebanese authorities. As reported by Financial Times, senior officials of the Government of this country were interested in the situation of Ghosn just a few days before his flight, which feeds the theories of his or her country of origin helped him to escape from Japan.

In the eye of the hurricane, the japanese authorities took place on Thursday, a record of the residence in which He was staying prior to leaving the country. It is not yet clear how she managed to escape justice, but several media suggest that the employer would have resorted to the services of a private security company, a plan prepared during months. According to show records air of that night, He would have flown aboard a private plane from Osaka to Istanbul, and from there to Lebanon.

The governor of Istanbul said in a written statement that the Turkish police has detained seven people in connection with the case. The minister of Justice of Lebanon, Albert Serhan, said that the country has received a red alert issued by Interpol. Serhan said that they will assume their obligations, giving to understand that He could be called to testify. The minister, however, recalled that Lebanon and Japan do not have an extradition agreement, ruling out the possibility of the employer to be returned to the place from which he fled.

Among the questions that remain non-cleared, one of the most intriguing is what document he used to come out of Japan. He has the lebanese nationality, brazilian and French, but to get probation he would have had to deposit their three passports in a safety deposit box in the hands of its lawyers in Tokyo, guarantors that are not fugaría.

Two passports French

however, He had not one, but two passports French, something common in entrepreneurs, and other professionals who must travel regularly for work to both Israel and to arab countries, since some of these do not recognize the israeli State and refuse entry if they see in the document a stamp of that country.

The second passport was in the possession of the employer thanks to a special authorization from the court. This allowed it so that he could carry on internal displacement, as contained in his visa. Even so, that document was kept in a sort of case closed with a secret code that only they had their lawyers, said a source close to the investigation to agence France Presse. In case you have to show your documentation at a police checkpoint, one of the lawyers He had to go to where you were the employer to inform him personally of the agent who performed the control, the code of opening the case, since it is forbidden to do so by phone, as most of the security measures imposed on the expatrón Renault to prevent their escape, in view of the facts, did not work.

however, the nippon authorities to ensure that there is no computer data that demonstrate that He left the country under their own identity would be indicative, match, media, French and japanese, that the employer departed from Japan illegally, whether it was under a false identity, or escaping in some way to the controls. However, the second passport could have been used to their arrival to Turkey, the first stop before your final destination of lebanon.

Meanwhile, secretary of State of the Economy, Agnès Pannier-Runacher said Thursday that, in the case that Ghosn came to France, it would not be sent to Japan. “Not extraditaríamos mr. Ghosn because France does not extradite ever to their nationals,” he said. But that would give the entrepreneur the same treatment as any other citizen, does not mean that the Government is in accordance with his flight, he insisted the high-responsible, reiterated that He “is not above the law.” “I was under control house, which is a condition very unpleasant. I did not have access to their closest family members. But his life was not in danger. If not, France would have intervened,” he added.