The emoticons and emojis have achieved the distinction of word of 2019 that grants from seven years ago, the Foundation for Urgent Spanish, promoted by the Agency Efe and BBVA. After choosing a public protest in 2013, selfi in 2014, refugee 2015, populism in 2016, aporofobia in 2017 and microplástico in 2018, the team of the Foundation has chosen on this occasion by highlighting the role of these small symbols in the communication.


The robots are now practicing journalism The future of emojis: imitation to real-time the mood of the user Feminize, eurosceptic and climate, among the words that define 2019 for the SAR

For its part, last Friday, the RAE had chosen 14 words to define 2019: progress, sports, feminize, Constitution, trust, welcome, Welfare State, elections, artificial intelligence, school, weather, eurosceptic, self-determination, and triumph.

As announced by the Foundation, “emoticons and emojis (and their evolutions: bitmojis, memojis, animojis…) is already part of our daily communication and conquer day-to-day new spaces beyond the private conversations in chat rooms and messaging applications on the that began his use”. For the Fundéu, it is “undeniable” impact on the daily life and his relationship with “with the rest of the elements that make up the communication, such as words, phrases, punctuation,…”. For this reason, they have chosen to emoticons and emojis as word of the year. The appointment has been made after several discussions of the members of the Fundéu, philologists, and journalists, and “a year of working with the language most related to the present information,” says the institution.

The emoticons were born in the nineties, and at its inception there were only drawings that were created with punctuation marks, like 😉 In this century have become the emojis, drawn figures which contain a symbolic value and help to the communication.

“this is Not, of course, that the emoticons and the emojis come to steal words or perverting our language, which has been shown for centuries its ability to adapt to new times and to the technologies of each era. Or we end up expressing ourselves only with this kind of items. We believe rather that they constitute one more element that contributes to the achievement of the ultimate purpose of language: communication between people,” says the general coordinator of the Fundéu BBVA, Javier Lascuráin. “In a world marked by the speed, the emoticons provide agility and conciseness. And in an environment in which much of what we write, especially in chat rooms and instant messaging systems, it is oral communication put in writing, these elements allow us to add nuances of gesture and intention that would otherwise be lost,” he says. The president of Fundéu BBVA, Mario Tascon, during its intervention this year in the Congress of Academies of the Language in Seville, said: “it May be that the emojis are the closest thing to a universal language that has ever created humanity.”

The Fundéu BBVA is a non-profit institution whose objective is to promote the good use of Spanish, especially in the media. To this end, it submits every day recommendations language related to current affairs news and responds to hundreds of inquiries via phone, e-mail, the web and social networks.