The “Bachelorette” enters the tenth round: the new season of the dome show begins on Wednesday evening on the RTL streaming service – a week before it is broadcast on linear television.

As you know it from the past decade, the new season begins like all previous ones: with men getting out of vehicles and awkward dialogues on the red carpet.

“And what do you say?” – candidate Alex calls for appropriate admiration for not driving up in the traditional limousine, but on a motorcycle. “Because of my charisma, my hair” he has a good chance, says the chef – and “because I think I’m very special, I have a lot of recipes”.

She is the first mother in the format

What is new is that the “Bachelorette” did not come to Thailand alone, but with her almost one-year-old son. Born in Bavaria, Jennifer Saro, who lives in Berlin and works as a “content creator”, is the first mother in the format.

“It sends a message to all other single moms,” she says, before revealing that the pregnancy was anything but planned and that the father doesn’t play a major role in the child’s life. “I really don’t wish anyone to be pregnant alone. It’s really not nice.”

On the show, she is now looking for “not a substitute father”, but a partner. Some of the candidates are still – to put it mildly – puzzled when the 27-year-old talks about her son. Sentences like “It was a shock, it was a shock” or “You have to think about it, can you really live with it?”. A candidate wants to know: “Does he nag a lot at night or does he sleep peacefully?”

According to her own statements, the native of Straubing has been single for almost five years – and if you follow the rumors on Instagram and Co., that may have changed with the show. Accordingly, the “needle in the boy’s pile”, as one of the 20 candidates calls it, could have been found.

Because attentive observers want to have noticed that the backgrounds in the social media posts from Saro and a candidate are suspiciously similar.

One of the candidates is no stranger

In episode one, the 27-year-old goes back in time – at least mentally. One of the candidates, Oguzhan, who is the same age, does not seem to be completely unknown. He says they met through Tinder seven years ago, but she can’t remember.

Jennifer says she “neither recognized him nor did the penny drop.” But something dawned in the back of my mind: “I definitely know that we didn’t have anything to do with each other.” Whether it stays that way will be seen in the coming episodes.

The first episode will only be shown on linear television on RTL a week later, on July 12th. The Bachelorette 2022, Battiste, is said to still be happy with her chosen one Jan Hoffmann.

Possibly more exciting than the question of which man Jennifer will ultimately choose is the development of the show’s ratings. The male counterpart, the “Bachelor”, recently looked rather poor on classic linear television. The most recent season was the one with the worst ratings to date.

Information about the “Bachelorette”