Tanja Szewczenko (45) “threw the news of her father’s death incredibly off track”. The actress and former figure skater revealed this in her Instagram stories. There she also tells her followers via video that she has not seen her father for almost 40 years.

According to Szewczenko, she was a child of divorce. Her parents separated when she was “about five to six years old”. “Both had their personal reasons,” each “went their own way” afterwards. The 45-year-old adds: “It was okay for me at some point.” Her mother had sole custody, she saw her father for the last time on her sixth birthday, at least as far as she can consciously remember.

She had come to terms with the situation over the years, even if she sometimes thought about his life: “What’s he doing? Is he proud of me, of what I’m doing, of what I’ve achieved?” But at some point you would have decided “that everyone goes their own way,” says the TV star.

When she found out through a letter “that my father recently passed away, it threw me off course,” reveals Szewczenko. “Even if you haven’t seen each other for almost 40 years.” She never “thought how I would react one day when such a message came,” she tells her followers. “I was surprised what happened to me emotionally as a person the moment I heard it.” She was “still a bit confused, a thousand thoughts go through my head”. She also says: “The sad news hit me right in the heart.”

In the video, Tanja Szewczenko also explains how happy she is with her own “complete” family. It was a “very big wish” of hers to have a “perfect family, for the reason that I didn’t have it myself as a child”. She is grateful for her husband “who has been by my side for 15 years” and her three “wonderful” children. Szewczenko confirmed to the magazine “Bunte” in 2020 that she and her partner Norman Jeschke (44) had married. A daughter was born in 2011, twin sons followed in April 2021.