Sunday trend: for the First time since 2009, a survey shows a majority for black-yellow coalition – whopping gains of power but only a party.

the corona the crisis has changed the popularity of the parties, new issues have come to the fore. That action* , and crisis management by Angela Merkel* government power in survey values to be paid, is now obvious. However, not all government members benefit – as of now, there is even a majority for a new coalition.

Munich, and Since 2013 a large coalition of CDU/CSU and SPD governed in Berlin, is also confirmed by the Bundestag election in 2017 and the formation of a Cabinet under Angela Merkel in the year 2018. And although not everything went harmoniously, confirmed to the Sunday trend, the the public opinion research Institute Kantar takes in the order of the image, on Sunday, in General, this coalition.

But by the Coronavirus* triggered Kris e makes all things new, now also in the survey of values: for the First time since 2009, the Sunday trend provides for the possibility for a black-yellow coalition: with a calculator could, and today would be elections to the Bundestag, the CDU/CSU and FDP together a citizens ‘ govern – Lich-liberal government coalition, as it had given them at the Federal level, the last before the parliamentary election in 2013. But that is the merit of only one of the possible partner in government.

Sunday trend: survey results for the Union to rise sharply – suddenly Black-and-Yellow possible

the CDU/CSU , which can apparently draw from the crisis the most Profit in terms of polls . A whopping two percentage points you to places and is thus on 40 percent of the vote. Since the FDP comes to eight per cent, of the common coalition a notional majority of 48 per cent – enough for a government .

the FDP a bit of the unexpected in this situation, because their own poll numbers are down compared to last week even. A point loses the FDP, she stood last week at nine per cent, as the Bild am Sonntag writes.

The current coalition partner, the SPD continues to have significantly more in percentage points than the FDP – the SPD remains at the same level as last week and gets a 16 percent approval. This is just before the Green (15 percent).

Sunday trend: The AfD is more on low – also Left to lose

For the other parties, it goes downhill – both the Left , as the my AfD from slipping by one percentage point. The my AfD is at nine percent, the Left is still at seven percent. For the Trend in 1934, people between the ages of 20 goods. and 26. May have been questioned.

the AfD to their Position in the corona, crisis, struggles, showed, among other things, an incident in mid-may Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) threw an AfD politicians, although constructively in committees, in front of the camera but to show a different face.

The AfD had recently demanded a Committee of inquiry into the actions of the Federal government in the Corona-crisis. That Angela Merkel has now left largely to the countries of the mitigation arrangements for the Corona-pandemic and other measures, not like all the experts.

* is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.