Once a year, thousands of nature lovers take part in an insect census of the Federal nature conservation (Nabu). Also in this year, the stone bumblebee ends up back to square one of the most common species in the garden.

Berlin (Reuters) – they have a velvety black body, a reddish brown abdomen and the most commonly observed insect in your garden: are Bumble bees Stone. At least that is the mid-term results from the nature and biodiversity conservation Union (Nabu), was count.

The most common types are remained, therefore, in the three Zähljahren of Nabu-” insect summer” is almost the same: On the Stone in hummelshain hover fly, Asian ladybug, Western honey bee, Seven-spot-Ladybird, leather bug and arable Hummel follow.

“Only the Seven-spot ladybug is a new entry in the Top Ten”, so Nabu-insect expert, Laura is wide cross. The sun safely this year, for the first time made the discovery question, and it was a ladybug. The first Trends were apparent: “The blue wood bee, which was originally found only in southern Europe and some regions of southern Germany, and moves gradually to the North,” said Breitkreuz.

the action is a nature lovers have reported almost 5000 observations. “From the ant up to the brimstone, insects are systemically important – we are pleased that many people have recognized apparently, and the insects of the summer involved,” said Nabu CEO Leif Miller. In Germany, around 33,000 species of insects live.

insects summer