The bestselling author Susanne Fröhlich (“Moppel-Ich”) encouraged women to live out their anger. “Anger is a strong factor when it comes to change. Without angry women, we would probably still not have our own right to vote, our own account, and would have to ask our husband if we can get a driver’s license,” Fröhlich told the “Augsburger Allgemeine.”
“We can’t move forward without anger because it’s simply not enough to just be nice all the time.”
In Iran you can see what angry women can achieve, said Fröhlich. But women often want to appear nice and likeable above all else. She also had to learn to set boundaries herself. “I have found that doing less and being clearer and more unambiguous really brings a lot,” said the 60-year-old, who has just written the book “Hold your head up and your middle finger higher” together with co-author Constanze Kleis . “I for one don’t put up with everything.” And anger is a good outlet every now and then, concluded Fröhlich. “That doesn’t mean you have to scream all day.”