The animated series “South Park” is apparently targeting Prince Harry (38) and Duchess Meghan (41). At least that’s what a trailer for the new episode suggests. In the 16-second clip, titled “A Stupid Prince and His Stupid Wife,” character Kyle can be seen ranting: “It’s really driving me crazy. I’m sick of hearing about them, but I can’t get away from them! They’re all over my fucking face.” His friend Stan replied: “Look Kyle, we just don’t care about some stupid prince and his stupid wife.”

The title of the episode, “The World Privacy Tour”, is also an unmistakable allusion to the Sussexes, who on the one hand are suing for their privacy and on the other hand are always looking for publicity with interviews, Netflix documentaries and memoirs. The episode can be seen in the USA on Wednesday evening (February 15) and celebrates its German TV premiere on “Comedy Central” on Sunday (February 19).

Written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, “South Park” is known for consistently targeting celebrities from Alec Baldwin to Oprah Winfrey to Paris Hilton to Will Smith. The provocative comedy series about the characters Eric, Kenny, Kyle, Stan and Co. has been running since 1997 and is currently in its 26th season.