Get get his opponents up in the red field as the 16-year-old Swedish klimaaktivist Greta Thunberg.

Now the langer one of the world’s most powerful men out after her.

the Background is a tweet that Greta Thunberg published Sunday.

‘the Native is literally being murdered in their attempt to protect the (rain)forest against illegal deforestation. Again and again,’ wrote Thunberg on Twitter, where she shared a video that was allegedly recorded after that from a passing car was shot against the natives in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil – with two deaths to follow.

‘It is shameful that the world remains silent about it here,’ continues Thunberg.

It was president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro to go to the attack on the 16-year-old Swedish girl.

“Greta says, that the indians have died because they defended the Amazon,” said a smiling Bolsonaro Tuesday in front of his embedsbolig, when he was asked to comment on Thunbergs tweet, according to The Guardian.

“It’s amazing how much publicity the press provides the little brat,” continued Bolsonaro.

The right-wing president of brazil has received massive international criticism for not doing enough to combat the forest fires in the Amazon. He suspected even for turning a blind eye to the growing violence against the natives, who live in the areas of rainforest that are exposed to deforestation.

Bolsonaro rejects the criticism and has accused environmental groups of being behind the fires.

Greta Thunberg is not the first known person he has come in verbal infight with in the heated debate about the Amazon’s future.

Then, for a little over a week ago came out that Leonardo DiCaprio supports one of the environmental organisations, Bolsonaro prosecutor to be responsible for the forest fires, attacked the president also out for Hollywood star.

“DiCaprio is a cool guy, is he not? Provides money to put the rainforest in flames,” said Bolsonaros accusation against DiCaprio.

An accusation, as the Titanic star pure rejected.

As mentioned at the outset is Bolsonaro not the only one who is tired of the Swedish klimaaktivist Greta Thunberg.

The former Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson has recently called her ‘crazy and dangerous’.

Greta Thunberg has on the whole had to lay back for a little of each, since she became world famous and a symbol of klimaaktivismen.

She has, among others, received death threats and thousands of hate comments on social media – also here in Denmark.

‘The only thing that is collapsing is your brain, Greta. You should be closed into a closed department, where you belong,’ wrote Bodo Hans in a comment to an article on Thunberg on the B. T. s Facebook page.

We contacted the subsequent Bodo His and asked him why he chose to write about Greta Thunberg, which he did. You can read his response HERE.