cuts off After a leaflets-action on the border with North Korea, the communication to South Korea. Kim Jong-UN’s sister described the activists as “disgusting Pack”.

The authoritarian ruled North Korea cut the communication channels to South Korea . Earlier, the activists of South Korea from the regime-critical leaflets had thrown over the border to North Korea. The government in Pyongyang described the critics of the regime as a “disgusting Pack”.

Update 16. June, 9.11 PM : North Korea has blown up, according to South Korean data, the intra-Korean office in the border city of Kaesong. The blasting was done in the afternoon (local time), said a spokeswoman for the unification Ministry in Seoul on Tuesday. Further details were not immediately known.

North Korea cuts off communication with South Korea – Kim-government referred to activists as “disgusting Pack”

the first message from may 9. June: Pyongyang North Korea has cut off all official communication channels to the “enemy” of South Korea . The state news Agency KCNA said on Monday, Pyongyang will cut off “the connection line between the authorities in the North and the South completely”. With effect from Tuesday afternoon (local time) will be closed, the joint liaison office. Experts see it as a provocation against Seoul is also a Signal to the United States.

leaflets-action South Korean activists led to a break in Communication

The quarrel action of South Korean activists went ahead. You had sent flyers with critical messages about the policy of the North over the border. In the past week, Kim Yo Jong , the powerful sister of North Korea has had in power, Kim Jong-Un*, with the withdrawal of Pyongyang from a military agreement with South Korea threatened .

The KCNA that Kim Yo-Jong also made the decision to sever the channels of communication, Seoul. The reason given was according to the information of the news Agency, “hostile” government in Seoul to cooperate with the Pyongyang-critical activists in the border area. The activists even , described Pyongyang as a “disgusting Pack” .

The KCNA wrote that the actions in the border area “would have controlled the inter-Korean relations into a catastrophe”. “We came to the conclusion that there is no need for the authorities to sit opposite, and that there is much to discuss with you anything”, it said.

the North Korean authorities organisiserten marches in support of Kim

South Korean activists and North Korean refugees are always sending hot air balloons with leaflets across the border to North Korea. In the Letter, the human situation and the nuclear program of the North* denounced . These actions trigger regularly a lot of tension between Pyongyang and Seoul. In the past few days have been organised by the North Korean authorities country-wide rallies in support of Kim’s policy toward Seoul.

The more informed the Ministry of unification in Seoul that Pyongyang calls on the official phone replied to connections to the expiry of the deadline on Tuesday at noon. However, the immediate impact of the capping is likely to be low . For months, Pyongyang rejected talks with the South Korean government.

expert: North Korea wants to provoke the United States with maneuver

According to the assessment of the expert Shin Beom Chul from the Korea Research Institute for National Strategy, the confrontation with South Korea is part of a North Korean provocation strategy , the Pyongyang the US is likely to expand. Since an apparently accidental exchange of fire at the demarcation line in may* North Korea have tried to fuel the conflict with South Korea, with “low-threshold provocations,” said Shin. “You start with South Korea and the hard line will be extended to the United States,” predicted the expert. He sees in the development of an indication for the growing influence of Kim Yo Jong’s .

by the Way: In the spring of this year, Kim Jong-Un was a week long gone. There was wild speculation about his health. What, exactly, was suspected in the following Video.

AFP, cia,

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.