The first cinema open again: there Are still chances on the cinema in summer?

In the Wake of the Corona-relaxations are also many cinemas for visitors distance rules* now open make it but just for small cinema difficult cinema operators doubts as to the restrictions of

masks cinema – that was previously the privilege of Zorro or Spiderman. If it since a few days is allowed to make Hessen and some of the other provinces, again, a couple of nice hours with you, you take his mask better: In the dining room, it is at least in Hessen again “Topless”; however, for the residence in the Foyer (where there is to buy the usual Snacks) and going to the toilet, breathing protection masks are required. The whole complexity of the States different rules and regulations, it is expected that the exhibitors more a headache than the guests. In all länder , there is a minimum of 1.5 meters , five square feet per visitor is the in Hessen . This allows a utilization of a maximum of 20-25 percent, as Christine Berg by the Board of Directors of the main Association of German film theater in the German press Agency. “If two places are occupied, need 12 stay free. The top priority is to protect guests and employees. But we have the feeling that the rules for cinemas mad stated strictly.“

visit to the cinema in the Corona of a crisis: Empty seats, empty coffers?

For guests, this means that they will be allowed to sit next to their escorts, but that several places have to be next to, in front of and behind you are free to stay. But how do small cinemas to make such restrictions or program? Christian brewer from the art of film theatre-Association “AG cinema” recommends that the Austrian rules from only a Meter distance. This must not lead to the blocking of the whole row, but allow a kind of chess Board layout.

In reality it looks so far, so that almost only the big movie open theater, for smaller houses a Opening be worthwhile commercially. One of the pioneers in Hessen the cinema Gelnhausen, Germany, where Christian Bale and Matt Damon’s lawn once more in “Le Mans 66 – Against all odds” on the canvas.

movie summer in spite of Corona: Many cinemas open again

“But what do you mean by: is it worth It?”, Andreas Heidenreich, Chairman of the Board of the Federal Association of Communal film work and is based in Frankfurt asks. “Culturally, it is worth to make, especially in difficult times, a quote. I have the impression that the art of film works particularly well, because ‘The kangaroo-Chronicles’, you may see better in the drive-in movie.”

But even the multiplexes have it hard, because there are no new “product”*: For film distributors, it is commercially useless to bring about the big Hollywood films going to the cinema, if it is wide does not constitute a Federal evaluation of options. This could bring in return for smaller artistic films even in the big houses. The theatrical release of Christian Petzold’s Berlinale-jewel “Undine” is now for the 2. July planned. 70 cinemas have pre-ordered the Berlin fairy tales, how to learn from Piffl-rental is.

Good news for movie lovers, cinemas open to the Corona-break

On this day, the film may be set as the unofficial start of this cinema summer. Also, the cinema in the film Museum in Frankfurt will commence on this day, according to the current state again, its the official game of operation. Director Natascha Gikas bubbles in the conversation formally before the programme ideas: “We have not been able to show many films from our series on Mario Adorf and Maximilian Schell yet, but want to show some from the Go-East Festival that could only take place online.” It would, for example, the retrospective of Romanian film-artist Radu Jude. In any case, even the most demanding movies, is likely to provide a “full house” – because it has, as Gikas, in accordance with the spacing rules of all things, is already at 22-30 people.

Fabian Schauren, managing Director of the German Federal Association of Communal film work, has not the habit of the audience, the film view in the Corona-crisis well, as the current Boom of drive-in theaters evidence.* The distance rules, he criticized: “I, personally, would not provide a Meter-fifty in question, because the air can be sucked as in the plane. And that’s going to pass in the aisle briefly to each other, should not be a Problem.“

Corona-rules for movie theaters controversial – so the visit could look

In talks with movie makers medical reservations seem to be solvable. However, the danger due to the Aerosol, i.e. suspended liquid particles in the air* is, for the virus dissemination in principle, undisputed. However, the film events are no worship services: “We do not show safe now ‘The cock is dead’,” jokes Andreas Heidenreich with reference to the interactive short film directed by Zoltan Spirandelli. It animates the audience to sing the well-known Canon in three voices. So the signs are for the time being, to Coolness in the Corona the cinema : to be On the safe side, one is for movies, in which neither the tears of laughter still crying.

By Daniel Kothenschulte

* is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital network.