In terms of career, Felix Lobrecht is currently on a high. He is one of the best-known stand-up comedians, hosts the most successful podcast in German-speaking countries (Gemisches Hack) together with Tommi Schmidt and the film adaptation of his book “Sonne und Beton” is currently running in German cinemas.

Nevertheless, there are areas of Lobrecht’s life in which he has to struggle. Just a few weeks ago, the comedian announced in a podcast episode that he wanted to take a break from the show for at least a year because he had been feeling burned out and sick for a long time. At the time, Lobrecht was already in a clinic and recorded the podcast from there.

Now the Berliner is giving further insights into his inner being – and revealing how he has actually fared in the last few weeks. In the latest episode “Gemischtes Hack” a joke with colleague Tommi Schmidt quickly ends in honest words on the part of Lobrechts. Schmidt teases the 34-year-old that he hasn’t seen the “Lord of the Rings” films, to which he counters: “No, Tommi. Say … I have friends. I’ve fucked, I’ve had a life. Of course I haven’t watched ‘Lord of the Rings’. I’ve been exercising. I’ve had a six pack since I was 13. I haven’t watched ‘Lord of the Rings’…”

Schmitt takes up the topic of sports, teases Lobrecht and asks whether he still does sports at all and whether his six-pack is still there. The comedian replies: “Yes, I let sport slide quite a bit. Sorry that I first took care of my mental health in the clinic, Tommi. Sorry that I don’t meet your visual requirements right now, that after three months Psychiatry just not on point.” The six-pack is still there, he is currently working on it again, jokes Lobrecht.

“I gently got back into it. I did squats with dumbbells. Those were 50-pound dumbbells. I also only did three sets of 10 three times and after that I couldn’t walk without pain for four days,” he admits and continues: “Today is the first day I’m walking like a normal person again and not like someone who’s in the middle of rehab…”

Lobrecht, who usually gives little insight into his private life, has been talking more and more about mental health and psyche in recent months. As he revealed in a conversation with Sandra Maischberger two years ago, he himself suffers from anxiety disorders and the resulting panic attacks, as well as recurring depression. That’s why he’s in psychotherapy. “It makes perfect sense to organize your thoughts with a neutral person,” he said at the time.