the Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico Claudia Sheinbaum will create a public register of convicted sex offenders.

There is a declared state of emergency in Mexico City as a result of violence against women.

It says the city’s mayor, Claudia Sheinbaum, Thursday.

She hopes that such a radical step will make the problem more visible.

– Everyone in this city is going to have to say stop, she writes in a statement, according to the news agency dpa.

As part of the campaign will Claudia Sheinbaum submit a bill to create a public register of convicted sex offenders.

According to official figures, more than 150 women killed in Mexico City during the year’s first nine months. 40 of these were killed only because they were women, inform the authorities.

Until the end of september, there had been 527 emergency calls about rape.

Between October 2018 and October 2019, the number of attempted rape increased by ten percent. This is due also, however, that the city has employed several women lawyers to counsel women and support them to bring legal action against their assailants, informs Sheinbaum. Kalebet

The 57-year-old miljøforsker took over the mayor in Mexico City nearly a year ago as the first woman ever.

With about nine million inhabitants in the metropolitan area and more than 20 million in the entire metropolitan area of the mexican capital one of the world’s largest cities.

Since 2015 has 18 other councils across Mexico declared a similar state of emergency as a result of the comprehensive violence against women.

Back in august, hundreds of women on the street in Mexico City shrouded in pink spray paint and glitter.

Here protested against the police in Mexico, which in recent months has been accused of a series of rapes and sexual assaults against women in the country.

Among other things, has an court in Mexico City opened a case against a police officer accused of raping a 16-year-old girl in a museum in the city.

This writes the news agency AP.

In another case, a 17-year-old girl accused four cops of raping her in a police car.
