I don’t know of many who are convinced Kramp-Karrenbauers style as a leader, says the critic in the German party.

Angela Merkel’s christian democrats in the CDU opens Friday for a two-day national convention in Leipzig, where there can be expected murmurings in the hooks of the German party leadership and the president birte ravn Kramp-Karrenbauer.

the President, who is often referred to by its initials AKK, has had a turbulent first year as the leader of the ruling party, the CDU. She replaced chancellor Merkel at the post as chairman.

the CDU has the originally competing at giants in the east Germany lost votes to The Greens and the radical right-wing AfD. It happened, while Kramp-Karrenbauer has run into several møgsager.

In april, she was widely criticized for a misplaced joke about the toilets for transgender. A month later, she was sworn youtubere on the neck by attacking the right to Dumanbet free speech on the web.

– I don’t know to many people, who are convinced of her style as a leader, says CDU politician Hans-Jörn Arp to the news agency dpa.

a CDU member of parliament mr Axel Fischer has said for the newspaper the Main Post, that among the party members is “a desire for new heads”.

It could very well be the 64-year-old lawyer Friedrich Merz, who lost last year’s elections for the chair to Kramp-Karrenbauer. He stands further to the right than the president.

He is the latest weeks really toned up in the media with criticism of Merkel’s government, which also søsterpartiet CSU and the Social democrats participate.

He is expected to go on to the podium to comment on the speech in which Kramp-Karrenbauer will keep to the delegates.

It is hardly likely that she will be tipped by this apartment. However, several party members expressed that the lack of a direction.

the CDU’s parliamentary leader in the state of Baden-Württenberg, Wolfgang Reinhardt, condemns what he calls the recent years of “radical pragmatism” in the CDU.

– the CDU has no antenna out and no agenda for the big issues of our time, he says.

It is a criticism that is directed towards the continued intergovernmental cooperation with the social democratic rivals in the SPD.
