Every Thursday sends Maybrit Illner their name to a political talk from the Berlin ZDF TV studios. All of the information to the Format you find here.

For over 20 years Maybrit Illner with your now self-named political talk in Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen is to see. Every Thursday discussed the presenter with their various guests and a “topic of the week”. All the information to the ZDF-Format , the schedule and the planned summer break from Maybrit Illner , we have collected here for you.

Berlin – Five guests, six chairs, a moderator, trying to convey in a little more than sixty minutes of airtime between them – as in, for example, the concept of could well be “Maybrit Illner” in a sentence breaking down. In the to of his hostess named ZDF-polit-talk to identify a respective “topic of the week” with some well-known discussion partners from society, politics and economy , where different views are heard to find.

But this year, the Maybrit Illner again in the summer break , in spite of Corona pandemic.

theme Corona-crisis has also ZDF-Polit-Talk show “Maybrit Illner” on a regular basis before the summer break

The Corona-crisis , dominated – as is to be expected in view of the current situation is hardly any different, the discussion round was also at Maybrit Illner. So the presenter asked in a broadcast, for example, how dangerous holidays can, in times of the pandemic, or how much of the novel Virus, the country columns. In another debate on the subject of Corona, the controversial Green politician Boris Palmer was also a word that was, to attack Karl Lauterbach sharp. But not only he was awarded as a number of other guests also in “Maybrit Illner” a voice, also for the ZDF viewers are invited to the Join in the conversation. For this purpose, the transmitter has established on maybritillner.de at the end of the posts a comment function.

“Maybrit Illner” ZDF-Polit-Talk guests different point of view invites to the discussion

All imaginable positions will not be mapped, but according to his own statement of the ZDF always possible, because “we have only six chairs,” as the person responsible for the consignment formulate itself. However, the charged guests, who came either from the world of politics, science and journalism, or concerned citizens be to have “different positions and perspectives on the issue”. The latter – and thus also the respective discussion partners – to be determined always only in the send week of the final, so it should go in the ZDF-Format “Maybrit Illner” according to the transmitter’s “smart, sharp-tongued and fast-paced” .

presenter Maybrit Illner for years as a hostess of your own ZDF-Format

it does now for over two decades, because as long as Maybrit Illner the political Talk in the Second. After she had begun her career in the “ tomorrow magazine “the station that took over in 1999, the Moderation of the “ Berlin Mitte” – almost the previous format of your political Talks. In the meantime, the Thursday was named-the discussion about e to your hostess and thus, since 2007, the name “Maybrit Illner” .

In the Video, you can also learn more interesting facts about the studied journalist.

“Maybrit Illner”(ZDF): when is the shipment to see when it goes into the summer break?

Who discussions simply follow want to every Thursday at 22.15 PM the opportunity, if the ZDF the talk show “Maybrit Illner” radiates, or, for the most Fridays at 16.00 p.m. in the retry at the Phoenix . In addition, the current output is also provided to a time-flexible-on-demand in the library of the Second German television. Soon the ZDF-polit-talk will be replaced, however, a couple of Times by a different Format, because “Maybrit Illner” passed on to 9. July 2020 for five weeks in summer break . In time, your colleague, Dunja Hayali will take over with its own, named after her shipment for you before Maybrit Illner on 20. August 2020 from the TV-holiday back log.
