Against the proposed wind Turbine to the South of Jesenwang is forming resistance. The Initiative “against the wind Jesenwang” wants to meet on Saturday for the first time, on-the-spot to how to proceed to vote.

Jesenwang – It filed a lawsuit against the project in the room already. The Initiative includes citizens of several municipalities, among other things, from Jesenwang and the neighboring municipality of Grafrath,. They warn of consequences for the environment, among other things, due to the grubbing-up of “football-field-sized areas of forest”.

wind power in Jesenwang is a step backwards?

wind power to the planned location was in the face of the prevailing wind, also “a step back to random power”, as it is said in a first statement of the Initiative. The citizens energy cooperative Freisinger Land wants to build the wind Turbine on the only remaining 10H-surface in the Brucker district. The district office is currently reviewing the request for notice, a further report will be necessary. The Meeting of the Initiative “against the wind Jesenwang” on Saturday will take place at 14 o’clock at the planned wind turbine location. ad