Often, the trash is mutated in summer, the breeding ground of maggots – but it doesn’t have to come so far. With these home remedies, you can prevent and fight off the pests.

Not only that, flying in the trash bin of food for their larvae – in the summer it is pleasantly warm and moist. The perfect conditions for maggots to multiply. Who then throws a look in the ton, needs to only fight once with a rebellious stomach. The first shock is wound, you can resort to home remedies, to combat the maggots.

maggots in the garbage bin combat: quicklime will help you

quicklime is an aggressive agent, which also acts corrosive , especially in connection with water. Therefore, to clarify what is previously with the waste disposal company if you are allowed to use the resources and whether the Material of the ton could possibly take damage. You wear, and there’s always a protective clothing and use only small amounts.

the maggots get rid of, give you the funds either directly in the garbage bin or mix it with water and you pour it. The larvae by drying the medium out and die. Also, make sure to only use this method in the case of free-standing trash cans – never in closed spaces. As an alternative to lime you can use other lime varieties, cat litter or salt.

vinegar essence against maggots: how it works

Maybe not everyone has lime in the house – then you don’t need to despair. Vinegar also helps in the Fight of the maggots. To do this, enter a tablespoons of vinegar to a Liter of water , and sprinkle the maggots in the bin. A shot of salt on top enhances the effect even more. After a short time, these die and you can remove them. Then you need the dumpster is not to wash out, but only air dry, because the smell of vinegar is not to say the larvae.

interesting : you Would have known that? Almost every discarded receipt wrong.

how to remove maggots in the garbage can with pepper

to boil a Liter of water and add pepper. Then let the mixture cool down and pour it in a Bottle. In order to distribute the liquid on the plague of ghosts in the garbage bin after a short time the larvae die. In addition, the agent has disinfected a nice side-effect: the ton .

maggots in the garbage can to prevent: give it a Try with these tips

garbage ton of dry : In humid climes maggots feel particularly comfortable, so you should keep it in the trash as dry as possible. This you create, if you line the bottom, for example, with newspaper paper. This sucks fluids and spoils the maggots in the fun. the garbage close the lid properly and open : In a firmly closed lid, do not get to fly as often as the occasion of their eggs in the garbage store. An additional rubber seal can help here. If the grub infestation is already present, you should leave the lid open – after all, they flee from sunlight. the regular to clean : After each garbage disposal, you should spray the bin with the garden hose, or with a vinegar and water wash-out. Then a nice air dry. the scraps of Meat packing : Generally speaking, flies and their larvae on food residues in the ton of features. Therefore, these should not simply be open to it, but once again extra to be Packed. the fly trap place : the way to Lure them to the fly with a small case of the garbage bin. You can mix a little detergent in a bowl full of vinegar and place this in the vicinity. The flies are buzzing there and drown in the liquid. the odor trap : maggots can’t stand odors, such as vinegar, lavender or tea tree oil at all. Drip a little on a cloth and hang this in the bin. Often draining : Even if the bin is not yet full, you should at every opportunity by the garbage trucks empty.

Matching : So you can avoid in the summer müffelnde garbage cans.

These things, each disposed almost wrong – are you too?