did you Know how old the freedom statue and the Person looks at you like that? Read ten curious facts about the world’s cultural heritage.

The statue of liberty* in the port of New York is a landmark for the entire United States. Many visiting lists, the “ Statue of Liberty is ” at the very top. 10 facts about the Monument, which will bring you to the Wonder.

Since 28. October, 1886, the almost hundred-Meter-high statue of liberty on “Liberty Island is” in the port of New York . Already in the first years, they became the Symbol of freedom in America, and welcomed large numbers of European immigrants and tourists in the United States. Even today, the Statue is an iconic symbol and is a component of many films and, of course, of every New York holiday.

the Statue is So old and steeped in history, so many facts there are to tell about you also. These are the ten weirdest facts about “Lady Liberty”.

1. A model for the face of the mother of the sculptor

The French sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi was the lead artist behind the statue of liberty and worked for decades to complete this Monument. While the entire Statue of “Libertas”, the Roman goddess of freedom, served as a model should have, was the face of a much more human crucial. Supposedly Bartholdi based the face of the Statue of his own mother.

2. The statue of liberty came, ten years too late

In 1886, the joy of the inauguration of the colossal statue of liberty while it was large, but in fact the building should have been opened much earlier. The original date was for the 4. July 1876 recognized. On this day, the USA celebrated its 100 years of independence. However, because the collection of donations for the landmark was slower progress than planned, had to have the world and a lot of patience.

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3. The statue of liberty is not, she goes

awakened them actually seem like they would stand with both feet on its Base. However, if one looks more precisely at the feet of the statue of liberty , raised her right foot, as he would be on the verge of a step forward. In addition, broken chains around the feet. Like everything at the Statue of these symbols stand for the freedom as an independent country. Not chained, and silent, but free and movable, the Statue and the whole of the USA supposed to be.

4. The crown has a very special meaning

On the head of the statue of liberty a crown with seven spikes is located. Because there is no Detail on this Statue has been left to chance, has, of course, the number seven has a meaning. Each wave is a continent on this world.

5. The statue of liberty would be almost arrived never in the USA

just before the Base of the statue of liberty was completed, we packaged the parts were manufactured in France, in over 200 crates and the cargo ship “Isere” across the Atlantic brought. The weather must be very ungrateful to have been and the ship threatened to sink, at times, even. Finally all parts arrived, however, intact in the port of New York and were welcomed by the residents of the city solemnly.

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6. The statue of liberty as a lighthouse

Since the year of its inauguration, the statue of liberty as the lighthouse served and was administered by the national lighthouse authority. Quickly turned out, however, that the light was bright enough to be suitable for the Navigation of ships. A New York Newspapers described the lights “more like a glowworm than a beacon of light”. Therefore, in 1906, concluded with the lighting already was.

7. Constantly struck by lightning

The stand-alone location and the considerable amount of 92,99 metres in the harbour basin of the New York makes the statue of liberty prone to lightning. It is estimated that up to 600 Times a year, lightning hits the building. The forces of nature tugging but also with other forces on the Statue. At wind speeds of about 80 kilometers per hour, the Statue sways, up to eight inches wide.

8. The statue of liberty is not your real Name

Although it is called in German statue of liberty , in English, “Statue of Liberty” or popularly “Lady Liberty”. Her real Name was “Liberty Enlightening the World” or in French “La Liberté éclairant le monde”

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9 need to know. The torch was accessible for visitors

Actually, visitors could go up to the highest point of the statue of liberty : up to the torch. After a bomb attack in 1916, when German saboteurs a warehouse with ammunition in the vicinity of the Statue blew up, took the statue of liberty damage, and had to be vacated. Due to the damage, a visit is denied since only the caretaker of the Monument.

10. Their actual color is not green, but brown

As the Statue was made, had the statue of liberty , not your green clothes, as we know it today. Finally, the manufactured outer skin made of copper and is in new condition red-brown. With the years in the fresh sea air, the copper started to oxidize soon, and discolored green. Although the copper statues is nothing out of the ordinary, was the discoloration of the long part of the press coverage and the US Congress approved even 62.800 dollars to paint over the Statue. Local protests prevented then, ultimately, an outward transformation, and the Statue shines today in her natural green dress. (nh) *merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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