Jean-François Piège sharing with you each Saturday on The Point of its secrets of the kitchen by putting on the front of the base products of the season. In this summer period, the two-star chef of the Great Restaurant in Paris makes you rediscover the recipe of sea bream in the oven sauce four quarters. Why four quarters ? Because the maestro stoves put the same amount of olive oil, water, lemon juice and butter. To enhance your fish with firm flesh – this can be also a saint-pierre or a mullet – which will have been pre-scaled and gutted by your fishmonger, you’ll add ingredients mediterranean vegetables : cherry tomatoes, basil, black olives taggiasche and a clove of garlic rubbed. You just have to bake your bream between 10 to 20 minutes at 180 °C. You will see, it is a child’s play and a true delight. Now, it is up to you to do it again. Enjoy !

recipe : sea bream in the oven sauce four-quarters (2 to 4 people, depending on the size of the fish)
Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking : 10 to 20 minutes

1 whole fish with firm flesh chipped off and emptied, which can be cooked on the bone (sea bream, saint-pierre, red mullet…), 1 clove of garlic, 1 lemon, 50 g butter, 1 bunch of cherry tomatoes, 2 sprigs of basil and a few leaves extra for serving, 2 tablespoons of black olives taggiasche, olive oil, salt, pepper.

The furnace
1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C (thermostat 6).
2. Peel the garlic clove and cut in two. Press the lemon that you reserve the juice.
3. Rub the garlic on the bottom of a gratin dish. Pour a very generous dash of olive oil that you spread out harmoniously into it. Salt the inside of the sea bream that you then place in the dish. Have around 25 g of butter, cut into cubes, cherry tomatoes, basil and black olives taggiasche. Drizzle all of the lemon juice and a dash of water.
4. Bake the dish for 10 to 20 minutes depending on the size of the bream (a fish cooked on the edge always remains soft even when cooked for a long time : it is better to cook gently but for long enough).
5. When the sea bream is cooked, remove to a dish and set aside warm. Then boil the sauce in the dish with the remaining butter, whisking to bind. Add a basil leaf torn, and a drizzle of olive oil. Pepper.
6. To serve, place the sea bream in its baking dish, drizzle with the sauce and add a few leaves of fresh basil.

At the centre of a plate, place a portion of sea bream. Get all around the topping and the sauce.

Consult our folder : Jean-François Piège – to Fall into the Trap

writing will advise you

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